The Leo Moon wants us to look at the world through your heart. This is where our Lion’s Roar is hidden, our true authenticity and genuine talents. Not only are we beckoned to see the beautiful colors of the world, but we are also to add to it and make it more brilliant. This is the last of 3 consecutive Lunar Eclipses that started in 2018 and onto this year in 2019. The first from 2018 were on January 31st, then July 27th, and now this one on January 21st, 2019. This is the end of a cycle in which we embrace our true authenticity. This is where we leave behind what no longer serves us or defines our truth and take on a new phase in experiences that balance the unveiling process as we become more of who we are meant to be. This is also the start of three, back-to-back, significant Super Moons that are all within their respective signs. This means enormous change; a shift. A super moon is when the moon comes closer to the Earth within its elliptic orbit, resulting in it appearing larger in the sky. A total lunar eclipse is sometimes called a Blood Moon, because of the reddish shade the Full Moon takes on when fully eclipsed. The changes we invoke during this time will be a theme in our lives for the next 6 months, until the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th, 2019. The Leo moon inspires us to express ourselves, to find that lion’s roar within and make an awesome display of our magnificence. When we find our authentic truth and are backed with a sense of purpose, we want to convey it to the world. The fear of being accepted, or even liked, is what is being triggered during this time. Our stage freight or anxiety of being alienated because our unique and awesomely different gifts or qualities is being put on display. This is where you recognize the only limitations you have about showing off what makes you beautiful, is yourself. The Full Moon luminates the inner-blockages that cause us to be shy, closed in, and to hide away from our beautiful truth because of how others may receive it. These fears stem from early childhood, as Leo governs children. From our parents or peers, telling us we weren’t good enough, or not giving us the attention we needed. When we were proud of an accomplishment or something unique and beautiful we had crafted, and didn’t receive the recognition we needed to know that we were simply enough, and what we contributed to the world through our imaginative side, wasn’t enough either. This may have triggered many to hide away their creations, or to stop creating all together. This caused many to tell their inner child to grow up and stop playing around. This Moon brings to life that inner-child once again and invokes them to come out and play. The defense mechanisms we had developed in order to protect our softness, no longer serve us. They are now the blockages that hold us back from seeing the exquisite, colorful, and warm World we live in. Card Pull for the Super Blood Wolf Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo XVIII the Moon | Truth One thing I have been hearing from many people recently is that they have been feeling the affects of the Lunar Eclipse already from experiencing a major release as in crying spells and having very vivid dreams.
This isn’t done by random. The sudden release of emotion is so to open the channels into our heart – to break down our barriers and reveal our vulnerability, so we can simply: feel. This clears the way of past disappointments or emotions we were harboring so to reveal more of our Truth. This is how we make our way towards the ultimate surrender, so Source can guide the way onto our next phase that coincides with the deeper layers of ourselves we begin to meet. The vivid dreams are Source speaking directly to us. This is where many of our downloads are received. When we dream, we are not filtered by the ego. Our subconscious is unhindered. Our dreams hold insights that are the keys in which we need to unlock the doors that lead to truth. The release of those repressed emotions clears the channel between us and Source energy, our guides, and our Higher Self. Imagination and intuition are the keys and themes circulating the Eclipse energies, as this is how you will overcome certain blockages that affect your expression and sense of vulnerability. Our dreams, or perhaps insights received from our guides or higher Self will provide the guidance needed. Rather than resisting and trying to overpower the situation with the ego, we will find more headway by surrendering and allowing the unconscious, to become conscious.
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