On November 15th we are given a massive boost of intense energy as we are graced with an extremely powerful new moon in Scorpio. the sun is also still in Scorpio as well, making this a double dose of either the scorpions sting or the empowerment of the Phoenix. When the moon is in Scorpio, we feel everything more intensely, especially deep emotions where are heart is in question. So far, this Scorpio season has been incredible when it comes to offering us that push to clear the skeletons out of our closet. Because of Mercury’s retrograde, while it was in Scorpio, many old things from the past had resurfaced, such as old wounds and harbored resentment. While Mercury is now direct, and just two days before on the 13th, Mars had gone direct as well, and with it being within a Mars ruled sign such as Aries, which also shares home with Scorpio, we can now take the insights and as much as it may have seem unwanted, the clarity, offered to us during the retrograde. This is the time to act upon the things which are necessary to clear out our closet and unburden our hearts. The moon is not staying within Scorpio for long, as it does move into Sagittarius hours after it was in its darkest phase within Scorpio, this is quite symbolic in the need to apply the healing so we can venture towards new cycles and chapters, rather than repeating patterns that were in correlation with our wounds. This is a wonderful new moon to focus on our shadow work. While it doesn't seem that exciting, or magical, we have to keep in mind when we face our shadowy aspects and bring what lingers in the dark towards the light so to heal, release, and move on, is when we can experience the magic that we desire. Scorpio wants nothing more than to transform, as it is the most powerful alchemist of all the Zodiac when it comes to changing and transforming pain into gold. Scorpio knows that life is not all butterflies and unicorns, it knows that pain must be experienced and order for growth to elevate us on to a higher path. With that said, we can all take the scorpion sting as the necessary labor pains needed for our very own rebirth. The downside to Scorpio is that it can be extremely self-destructive, and so we must be very careful not to allow the triggers which will be brought up during this moon phase to get too far into our skin to where we end up harming ourselves trying to pluck it out. As our passions are heightened, so is our jealous nature, or even our need for control. It may be easy to take someone's sarcasm too personally and to find something hurtful from someone's tone of voice. It's not so much as what is said, but how it is said. We can thank Mercury in Scorpio which is being heightened from the solar and lunar energies. With that said, if you happen to feel triggered by anything within your environment, or take someone's opinion too personally, or feel that you are on a mission to change the perspective of others based on your own perception, especially when it comes down to politics, then it may be best if you hide out and stick to yourself for a while. We live in a day and age where everybody wants to be politically correct, however everyone's version of political correctness is much different than someone else’s. While it's easy to shove your opinions down someone’s throat, it's much more difficult to be fed their opinions. Now that doesn't seem to fair, does it? Take some time for yourself during this new moon, and focus on your healing path, focus on the wounds that are being triggered by your environmental influences and try to release the harbored pain. This is the gift that Scorpio offers us; this is the light we can find within the darkness - which is our very own light. RITUAL |
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