Many have already been feeling the cosmic blows of this New Moon, as not only does it amplify Neptune’s placement within Pisces, but also Mercury and let’s not forget just a day before it had gone retrograde. This is a time of deep healing and subconscious delights. Everyone is so… stuck in their feelings, and everything is felt so much deeper. This New Moon brings a massive release and an urge to heal and mend what has been broken. Not only does this New Moon offer a deep cleanse, but it also packs on a massive renewal as well. Welcoming Mercury Retrograde, this New Moon is sending us off to our hermit cave, where we can truly be one with our own thoughts, feelings, and with Higher Power which influences us all. We may emerge a completely different person with a more spiritually focused lens on the way we perceive the World. Pisces is the most empathetic of the Zodiac, as they are the final sign, encompassing bits and pieces of each of the signs before them, and so they can easily relate to anyone. This New Moon is asking us to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes for a change. The negative responses you are receiving from others may be a triggered wound they are still mending, and so your healing touch may just be what is needed in order to help soothe that. This is an incredibly psychic moon, especially so for those who consider themselves empaths – even for those who haven’t a clue what that term is. Basically, because Pisces is the most empathic sign, many will be feeling emotions that aren’t even theirs to begin with, and also their own as well. Meditation, groundings, and shielding rituals or techniques would be helpful in trying to navigate through your own feelings as well as blocking out others who might be a bit draining and adding to the confusion. Just as the prior Full Moon had questioned our balance we keep between the material and the spiritual, this New Moon is quite the same, only it urges us to start sowing the seeds we have formulated since February, and to start encouraging these new habits. This is also a time of deep thought and perhaps an overload of psychic energy. While this is a Moon that calls for you to dive deep, you don’t want to get lost in the depths. Overindulgence in the subconscious, getting lost within our own minds, is the caution. Not only is it Pisces season, but we also have Mercury that had turned retrograde on the 5th of the month that has made its current home within Pisces as well. This causes for major communication meltdowns where expressing your soul is highlighted. Lemurian Quartz Crystal CleansingThis New Moon brings the perfect energy to focus on cleansing your crystals and precious gemstones. Not to mention also your other altar, divination, or mystical tools, but also yourself as well. The best element to use for cleansing would be water - such as soaking your stones (be careful as some stones do not work well with water!) the night of the New Moon, or taking a salt bath with them as well (again, research on which stones are not only good with water, but also with you in the tub as some such as selenite dissolve in water over time.) I have a few techniques on how you can cleanse your stones on my Crystal Care page. Card Pull for the New Moon in Pisces Fortune | 6 of Pentacles Cards are from the Aradia Gospel and the Linestrider Tarot Happy downloads! The Pisces New Moon brings gifts of abundant energy to fuel your creative projects and artistic delights. Your psychic gifts may even experience a massive expansion as well. This is a time of receiving and sharing inspiration. If you happen to run a spiritual practice, business, or are getting a little more serious about your artistic craft, then this New Moon is going to bring you a surge of creative energy to help bring things to the next level. I also feel that these cards speak of ancestral roots and receiving gifts from those before you. Perhaps in the terms of a sacred craft or something handed down through a legacy. This powerful New Moon is massive in the spiritual spectrum and so it would make sense that there is a lot of ancestral healing coming into play with it and in turn, ancestral gifts to be received. Those cycles you had broken in the past are going to be rewarded, not just in new experiences but in the sense of a family heirloom which is to be passed down from one generation to another now that the blockage has been removed. This New Moon is meant to balance karma, and to dish out due rewards for broken cycles and cleansing karmic wounds. Zodiac Oracle ReadingsWhat Does the New Moon in Pisces Have in Store for Your Zodiac Sun Sign? Aries Find Your Center The New Moon coincides with Mercury Retrograde and it seems that what you need to focus on during this cosmic event is to take a step back and to reflect, review, and replenish your soul. You are getting too caught up with your ego-needs and exhausting your inner-resources by trying to overcome the obstacles within your material World, and the only thing that is going to help you get ahead is to slow down and take a little time out for yourself to find your center. Taurus Serenity This New Moon urges you to find your peace of mind. Let go of the past and be present within the current moment. Let the stresses from yesterday stay within the past and move forward. Letting go of what no longer serves you is the theme of this New Moon, so drop the negativity and practice on being present within yourself. Focus on serenity. Gemini Memories The past may resurface this month in a number of ways, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Something may feel familiar or perhaps a bit of Déjà Vu. Take this an indicator that what you are doing or working towards is significant. You might be accompanied on a pathway towards reaching a treasured goal by an ancestral guide or guardian spirit – when you think of them often and feel their presence around you, be thankful and ask for their support in helping you reach the destination you are working hard to venture towards. Cancer Forgiveness When one forgives, two are set free. This does not mean that you are accepting the wrongs that have been done or saying that it is okay – you are saying that you are not longer giving this issue or pain any more power. This New Moon calls for you to forgive those, and yourself, for the wrong-doings that had caused you pain. You don’t have to forget, but by forgiving you are allowing yourself to start the healing process needed to move forward. Leo Hello from Heaven This New Moon opens a divine portal to give you a special boost of spiritual downloads and support. You may have been requesting something in particular or asking for a sign – well, you are about to receive it. So when you get what you requested, don’t ask questions, and thank your guides and the Universe for delivering what you needed. Virgo Intuitive Nudges When you feel something is amiss, or that something amazing is bound to happen – believe it. Your intuition is peaked this New Moon, and so you should pay close attention to your dreams – which are bound to be more vivid and symbolic, as well as your intuition. You are often so logic-driven that you dismiss your intuition at times, but this New Moon beckons you to take into consideration the intuitive nudges you receive. Libra Choices When you feel that you are at a crossroads, or if you happen to come across an amazing opportunity, you might be a bit stumped on what to do – especially when you have people in your corner giving you mixed advice on what your next step should be. This New Moon asks you to plant your seeds wisely, as your next steps are going to foreshadow new cycles and opportunities. Scorpio Stay Connected While you are a sign which takes importance with the divine and energy – you might be too caught up in the material world right now and so you need to take a little time out to reconnect with Source. This New Moon is in a water sign, and so it would be extremely viable for you to focus on meditation, or something spiritual in that nature which reconnects you to your soul. With this will come more of a flow where treasured goals or ambitions are concerned. Where you had felt stuck, you will feel more at ease. Sagittarius Nature If you happen to feel stuck, bored, or uninspired, then you may need to work on some grounding. You crave adventure and to do something fun but are unsure where to start. As your monthly Tarotscope says you need to focus on your blessings and abundance that you currently possess, as this will help you feel much better about where you stand – but you should also take a little time out into nature as well. This will help you find the peace you seek. This New Moon invites you to take in the beauty and abundance of wonderful adventure that lies outside in nature. Go for a hike, take a camping trip, or venture through the wilderness and marvel at the little creatures which reside in it. Capricorn Have Fun This New Moon invites you to let the inner child to come out and play! You are always so serious and hard-working Capricorn that you seldom give yourself the time to let go and just be. Your whole Tarotscope speaks of changes occurring which are going to bring about a boost of fun, passion, and new cycles within your life, and it seems that it starts with the New Moon when you decide to let loose and enjoy the simple things for a change. Aquarius Breathe This New Moon is a time for you to take a breather – to focus on the energy you encompass from within and what you project around you. When you carry a negative mindset, not only do you constrict your breath, but you also do the same in restricting the length of abundance you are about to receive. Take a moment and re-center, focus on your very breathing and stand a little taller. It’s time to expand, just as you are hoping for, but first it all starts with Self. Pisces Inspire Passion You have been feeling dull, lifeless, or uninspired recently and it has been bringing you down. What you had once enjoyed no longer does it for you. This may be because you are realizing that this situation, or even person, is sucking the life out of you. Its time to focus on what ignites your passion and to give that life. This New Moon urges you to cleanse your mind and soul and to bring that passionate fire back into your life by focusing on what makes your heart truly sing. For more about what is in store for your Zodiac Sun Sign in the month of March, visit the Zodiac Tarotscope Blog.
Patty Bergeron
3/4/2019 11:21:21 am
Thank you for this insight.
ashlee a
3/5/2019 10:55:15 am
u don’t understand how thankful i am that u posted this information and how helpful this is. i’ve been through hell the past few days (seemed like weeks..) and i’ve been trying my best to be more spiritual and pay attention to things that most people don’t think affect our daily lives. i’m a leo so i’m kinda relieved with what i read about my sign in this article. again, thank u for what u do. it’s important and i look up to you
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