On March 13th, the New Moon is accompanied by the Sun, Neptune, and Venus, all being within dreamy and spiritually endowed Pisces. This is an extremely harmonic time in which connections, teamwork, communications, as well as all things romance, imagination, and creativity are empowered. When the Moon slips into dreamy Pisces we are at our most imaginative and also spiritually energized. This is a time of falling into a deep meditation, to play in the astral realms, and to communicate with higher frequencies. This is when the veil between the spiritual and physical Worlds are at their thinnest. Magic is most definitely afoot when the Moon is in Pisces, and it is much easier to notice, as well as find it deep within. With the great conjunction of the sun, Neptune, and Venus also accompanying the Moon in Pisces, it is prime to work with all things spiritual, magical, creative, and basically soul-focused. It may be difficult to remain grounded, but it is needed, as we are more susceptible to emotional assaults of any kind. When the Moon is in Pisces, our boundaries are at its lowest, especially to those we feel are less fortunate. Contributing our time, energy, and resources to charitable causes are highlighted, but it is also very important to ensure that we use our better judgment when choosing which causes we want to align with, as we are at our most compassionate and ideal state of mind. This is when those heartstrings so to speak are easily pulled and we can fall victim to manipulation. It is very important to stay away from mind altering substances, other than using these types of tools to further travel the spiritual realms. We don't want to escape our reality for the sake of avoiding responsibility or facing truth. The temptation is there, because the World is too harsh for Pisces and our sensitivities are heightened. Our empathic abilities are empowered as well as our intuition and so when something doesn't feel right, we must fall into that feeling so to understand what your intuition is trying to tell us rather than walking blindly into something. Spiritual gifts such as psychic abilities, astral travel, and deep meditation in which we reach the higher realms are favored and to be practiced as well as empowered. As mentioned above, the veil between the spiritual and physical Worlds are very thin, and so it is crucial to focus our attention on our spiritual path and gifts. RITUALConnect with Your Spirit Guides Get full access to Rituals & Tarot Spreads for the New & Full Moons with a Work Your Alchemy Membership The New Moon in Pisces on March 13th accompanied by the Sun, Venus, and Neptune makes magic more prominent. This is the perfect time to reach far into the heavens so to receive divine guidance and inspiration. Working with the Pisces New Moon can elevate your intuitive abilities and also clear the channels when communicating with your spirit guides. The veil between realms is much thinner during this time, making it that much easier to receive the divine influence which helps lead us to the path that is in correlation with not only our higher purpose, but also living through our higher self and authentic truth. Have you ever wondered who your spirit guides are? How to connect with them? And how to decipher their signs, symbols, and synchronistic guidance? The Pisces New Moon bridges that gap for us, allowing for us to connect with our guides and to better understand their messages and guidance. Other Items to ConsiderZODIAC HOROSCOPEs Dedicated for your Sun and/or Moon sign ARIES
Your empathic abilities are strengthened, and you feel more connected to those around you. This is a time of being the nurturer and extending your compassion to others. You may be called upon by those in need, be sure to respond. Dreams are more intense, and your intuition is heightened. Keep note of your intuitive nudges: write down any signs, symbols, or visions you may receive. Temper your emotions and remain grounded, as you may also be more sensitive. TAURUS Something from the past is cycling back into the present, something unsaid or not finished. Complete old projects, bring closure, resolve old conflicts, and settle anything that is unfinished from the past. You might feel that you do not have the resources, tools, ability, or even the energy to do so, but that is just a perspective that can be changed. Be mindful of low self-esteem and self-fulfilling prophecies based on pessimism. Be confident in your approach to resolution. You cannot move forward until these past cycles are resolved. GEMINI Magic is afoot, as you are receiving something you had asked for long ago. Your intentions and manifestations are taking form. It may not happen in the way that you had planned, but it is happening. Be open to receiving without expectation. This is also a time of setting new intentions and wishing upon that star. Be careful what you ask for as your ability to work with the law of attraction is heightened. CANCER Be present and work on grounding. You are not seeing the whole picture, only small details of it. Take a step back so to see everything for what it is with an open mind, rather than adopting a sort of tunnel vision. Reach out so to receive a more objective view and any missed details that you cannot see on your own. Ask for guidance from those you trust and that are experienced in the issue you are facing. LEO This is a time of celebrating your achievements as well as bringing resolution to old conflicts. Before moving on to any new goals or ideals, take a moment to pause and honor your hard work. Be present, be still, and marvel over the beauty that you have created. There is magic in the present moment. Magic is all around you, there is no need to chase it. Take time to rejoice, rest, and show gratitude. VIRGO Be mindful of toxicity that is around you and do not succumb to any mind-altering substances at this time. Do not escape your reality – be strong and face the truth as you might be dealing with harsh circumstances right now and are feeling overly sensitive. An excess of drinking or anything else in that nature can contribute to poor decision making, as you might be placed within a position of having to make important choices. There may also be manipulative people in your life that want to take advantage of you, this is why it is very important to be present and grounded. LIBRA Practicality is needed right now, as you might be seeing things with a more idealistic lens and are romanticizing your situation rather than seeing it for what it truly is. It is important to be present, grounded, and to see things for as they are and not how you want to perceive them. Be mindful with your spending habits, as it may be easy to overindulge in retail therapy and not understanding your financial budget. An opportunity may present itself that needs your full attention and investment of time, energy, and financial resources. SCORPIO Sensitivities are heightened and you may be prone to feel resentful over a situation. Loss from the past might have you feeling bitter. Watch your tongue and do not say anything that you cannot take back. Think before you react. Show compassion, even if you do not receive it in return, and walk that higher path as well as walk away from conflicts. Work independently, count on yourself, and do not be dependent upon others right now as you could place yourself in disappointing circumstances because of the unreliability of others. SAGITTARIUS You have support all around you, so do not be reluctant to reach out if you need help. You feel more compassionate to the needs of others as well and have what they need. This is a time of both giving and receiving. However, be mindful and help those who are trying to help themselves, do not enable any codependency or victim mentality from others by extending too much compassion because of your heartstrings being pulled. Listen to your intuition, be sure to set boundaries, and to use your better judgment. CAPRICORN The harshness of your current circumstances might have you feeling overly sensitive or defeated. Closure is needed as you walk away or separate yourself from a path, relationship, or situation. Something better is on the horizon, be proactive in your approach in looking towards the future and do not dwell on the negative circumstances that are currently around you. This is not happening to you, it is happening for you, for your highest good. AQUARIUS Many of the intentions that you had placed in the past are starting to take form. Marvel in the state of mind that is focused on gratitude and realize that you are truly blessed as you receive the abundance you had desired. This mindset will also attract more blessings in your life. Be present and be still, so to celebrate all of the greatness that you are currently receiving, so to truly feel the gratitude and the beauty that surrounds you. PISCES Listen to your intuition. You are at a crossroads and your intuition knows which path you need to take. There is a temporary phase of peace you are experiencing from an ongoing conflict, do not let your guard down completely, but also remain composed and collected. Do not go against your better judgement. Trust is the issue, and when you question on who you can trust, the answer is yourself.
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