On February 23rd, the Moon joins in the Sun and Mercury and moves into Pisces. When the Moon is in Pisces, our psychic abilities and spirituality is highlighted. This is a time of exploring the depths of our psyche and swimming deep into the subconscious of our dreams and intuition. When the Moon is in Pisces, this can be either a gift or a curse – depending on how you direct the energies that are influenced upon you. This can be a time where you slip deeper into prayer, meditation, and exploring your subconscious, or it can be a time of escapism where you crave mind-altering substances that help you avoid the harshness of reality and enter a trance/dream like state. Many who are born into this natal placement are either strong healers and psychics, or they face a lifetime of drug abuse – either themselves, or the ones they love. The need to help those less fortunate and to overlook those red flags are also heightened. Empaths receive a boost to feeling the outside world and its pain, and so the urge to help is much stronger than it typically is, as is the need to run away from it and to numb the pain felt. The Pisces Moon encourages us to be at our most spiritual, as the boundaries between the realms, and the veil between this World and the spirit World is thinner, and so it allows for the spiritual world to be easily accessible. This is a time to use that urge of escapism towards our artistic or creative projects – to get lost in a creative bubble and to channel our craft directly from the divine. This is also a time to encourage a deeper meditation and to reach out towards your spirit guides and team of ancestors who walk along our higher paths with us. If you have signed up for the New Moon Intentions Ritual subscription, then you will be receiving a kit to conduct a ritual that focuses on connecting to your spirit guides. If not, scroll down for a PDF guide on how to conduct the ritual with your own tools. Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Pisces III the EmpressCard is from the Moonchild Tarot The Empress speaks of abundance and displays the fruits of our labor, showing us that we have done well and to enjoy what we have worked so hard for. The Empress also offers a massive boost of energy towards the things which bring us most joy, encouraging us to take in every sip of pleasure and to boast in excitement of our achievements. The Empress, like the High Priestess, represents the spiritual combined with the physical and brings them both into perfect form – As Above, So Below – meaning that our ability to manifest our desires is heightened, allowing for us to reach towards the stars with ease and to have our wishes granted at lightning speed. What we project our into the cosmos, is received within the physical realm and takes shape as we had wished – good or bad – and so it is vital that we take the time to ensure that the conversation we have with the Universe is focused on our blessings, the love we have, and how we feel abundant within our lives currently. When the Moon is in Pisces, our ability to work with the Law of Attraction is strengthened, and so we must be careful what we wish for, as our blessings will be magnified, but so will the things we consciously complain about. So be mindful of what you are attracting into your life Ritual |
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