The New Moon in Leo on August 8th is amplified with the Lions Gate portal, meaning this this is the prime time to set new intentions, make some wishes, and to focus on what you truly want, from your heart’s core. When the Moon is in Leo, we want to show the World who we are and roar with magnificence as we express our creative truth with authenticity and a power that is like no other. This is when we are most connected to our heart and ready to go after what want. While this is the most magical moon of the entire year, we do need to ensure that we are manifesting what we want, acting from the heart, and reaching from the depths of our spirits. The need to make things overly dramatic, to take things all too personally – when our egos are taking center stage, and to also turn our emotions into melodrama can be heightened. Tempering the ego is needed. Find a good means of grounding and to find your center before emitting any frequency or action that does not coincide with what you are trying to manifest from the Universe at this time. The lions Gate Portal occurs when the Earth and the Sirius star system are aligned. Sirius is our brightest fixed star and is sometimes referred to as the "Spiritual Sun". Astrologically, this portal is called the lions gate portal due to the sun being in the sign of Leo. The New Moon falls on the 8th, which is the peak date for the Lion's Gate Portal. August 8th is an incredibly lucky date as it represents a double frequency of the numerological number 8. 8 is considered one of the luckiest numbers in numerology and often corresponds with wealth and abundance. Visually, an "8" is also literally an infinity symbol turned upright, which represents its unlimited potential. This New Moon is not to be used lightly, as its energy is just as gigantic as Leo itself and potent with the generosity it can bestow into your life. So, think big, in what you truly want to align with, what inspires your passions, and what you feel led to from your heart and soul. RITUAl Manifest Your Dreams Get full access to Rituals & Tarot Spreads for the New & Full Moons with a Work Your Alchemy Membership OTHER ITEMS TO CONSIDERSave 35% on orders $50+ with code LEO21 ZODIAC HOROSCOPEs Dedicated for your Sun and/or Moon sign Aries
You may be feeling as if no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get ahead. You’re trying to balance multiple different aspects of your life and it seems they keep spiraling down on you, and you are tired of keeping everything afloat. Perhaps you recently lost the support you are used to or are now giving more than you have in the past, making you feel exhausted. You may be worried about your finances or the current career you are in isn’t paying what you thought it would but demands maximum effort from you. Something has got to give, and it won’t unless you speak up. Speak into existence what you want – be real about it – and come from the heart. The Universe will listen as long as you speak about what you truly and genuinely need. Taurus New cycles are about to start for you, but first, you have to leave something behind. You cannot have a birth without a death – you must release something that is restricting the growth you need or preventing these new cycles from taking place. Either an old relationship, mindset, belief, or ideal – something that no longer serves you. This may not be easy, and you may experience this loss much like a physical death, meaning that there may be stages you go through such as denial, acceptance, a grieving period, and then the willingness to venture towards something new and having to adapt to a whole new lifestyle without it. These past few months have been signaling that something on this scale was bound to happen, and while you have been resisting this flow, you are starting to accept it. Gemini Are you ready to make some big changes? This may be a bit difficult for you, Gemini, as you have to let your heart lead you for once rather than trying to rationalize what you are feeling. There is a need to just trust your feelings and allow your intuition to guide you – after all, your intuitive powers reside within the seat of your soul – your heart. You may have to choose between venturing outside your comfort zone or remaining within it, and when you consider the consequences, it may be easy to make your decisions, as one opens new chapters of experience and the other causes you to grow miserably uncomfortable within confines that are all too familiar but full of distain because of limiting your growth. Whatever you decide, it will ultimately be life changing. So, what are you going to do, Gemini? Will you remain in the cage you have outgrown? Or will you spread your wings and fly towards your freedom? Cancer You might feel a bit triggered during the New Moon, as it stirs unsettling feelings that you had thought you were over and done with. However, while you might have moved on, you may not have received or given the closure that is needed. There may be a visit from an old flame or connection that you didn’t part ways with on the best of terms, and they trigger conflict as they come crashing into your life. However, they also bring resolution with them, as well as finding new strengths you didn’t think you had. You may be able to gain a new perspective from all this which enables new growth and a higher mindset. Maybe you didn’t see things for what they were in the past because of the emotional attachment you had on a situation, or you were too guarded. Whatever the case, this past experience or relationship comes through with a message that is worth hearing out. Leo You are a very strong person, Leo, and your strength is both magnetic and inspirational, in that it inspires strength in many around you, and brings others into your presence who marvel and applaud at how well you stand against adversity and manipulate energies to work in your favor. You are a force to be reckoned with, and there is no question about that. While you are the one who rushes to the aid of others, standing in their corner, inspiring strength, and being the hero, they need, you have to ask yourself, who is doing that for you in return? Well, look no further as the New Moon is going to spotlight a powerful influence in your life, perhaps your love life as this is something very connected to your heart, which is going to be the hero you need in return. This is the perfect time to set forth intentions for what you need in love and to also inspire the strength you need as well to conquer anything you face in all aspects of your life. Be ready to receive, with your heart, mind, and arms wide open. Virgo You are going through an incredible period of growth right now, Virgo, of intuitive and spiritual growth that is going to first change you from within and then outwardly as you embody these changes as well as integrate them. Watch the signs that are present all around you – especially those synchronicities in which you keep seeing such as repeated number sequences followed by that stranger coming into your life at the right time and saying all of the right things – as theses are all divine messengers and downloads. You may also be considering taking on a new learning venture, perhaps a course of study, or you will be the teacher, and this is a great new pathway for you, so be sure to follow it and map it out during the New Moon – set those intentions. You may however need to keep your feelings to yourself about certain matters because you do not trust certain energies going on, so in that case be patient, for the answers will come and then you can act accordingly. Libra You may be feeling a deep feeling to go within, Libra, one that takes you away from your social life and urges you to connect with your own soul. Take the time during the New Moon to contemplate on what you truly want, from the heart, and set some new intentions. Do not consider what others feel is best for you or take on any advice that you didn’t ask for – its time to consider things for yourself. This would be a good time for meditation, divination, and conducting a ritual for manifesting what you really want. Do not avoid this feeling you have of shutting the world out and focusing instead on yourself – it is there for a good reason. Also be mindful of sharing too much with others, for while you may be excited about the new steps you are about to take, plans you are putting into motion, or dreams you are chasing, others may have differing views which would mess up the frequency you are trying to dial into. Scorpio It’s time to take a good look within, Scorpio, and to face that shadow. You may have been standing in your own way within a new goal or venture, and that is because of limiting beliefs or perhaps a toxic connection or addictive attachment you have. You may be obsessing over a problem as well which has been draining your energy and causing a major depletion of focus that you need to invest elsewhere. Collect yourself, your thoughts, and your energy, Scorpio, and adjust your focus. Take a good look at what you are clinging to, chasing, or inviting into your life. Sometimes we want things from an ego desire, and so it creates a struggle or only offers a temporary high because it is the wrong direction. Use the power from the New Moon to get back in touch with your heart. Sagittarius You are deep in your feels and you may even be absorbing the emotions and feelings of others around you as well. You are more sympathetic than usual, holding space for those around you, but as you do, you take in their energy and may find it hard to discern your own emotions from their own. Take some time to cleanse – take a salt bath, wear black tourmaline, or smoke cleanse yourself – there are many methods you can use to release the energies of others so to find your center once more and feel at home within your own emotional body. Your dreams may be more intense during the New Moon as well, in which you feel emotions, sensations, or receive symbols and messages. Be sure to write these down and take a little time to understand what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Capricorn You might feel as if your entire life has changed and not by your own doing. Fate has struck and you cannot change the circumstances it has placed upon you, other than just to flow with it. While an old foundation has been ripped from under your feet, you have to understand that this can be a blessing in disguise, as a new foundation has appeared, just as sturdy, if not more secure and solid enough to hold even more of your aspirations and dreams upon. You might be tempted to get into your feelings and calling yourself a failure or blaming yourself for not adapting fast enough to a new lifestyle or flowing with the changes quickly. You can cry and pout, put yourself down, and dwell on your circumstances all you want, and yet it won’t change a thing other than misplace your energy and focus. It is important to first allow the dust to settle before you begin to rebuild, so you can see the new foundation for all what it is and know exactly the structures you need to put into place. Not all is at a loss, Capricorn, if you take a second look, you will find that you are entering a new cycle in your life in which you have fewer limits and a second chance at building something you had once dreamed of, but it may be much better than you had thought it could be. Aquarius So many changes have occurred in your life which have allowed you to plant new seeds recently and to focus on different intentions. However, while you have planted these seeds a while ago, you are worried that they aren’t prospering or taking shape – at least not fast enough. You look around you at those who may be on the same path as you, and feel they are leaps and bounds ahead of you. Stop comparing yourself to others, Aquarius, remember, you are unique, and your path may be linear but it is your own. This means that your path is not set on the same timing as theirs, and not to mention, you can’t necessarily place a time limit on the Universe’s magick and the rate that something grows. Be patient, have faith, and know that what you desire will manifest and will be much greater than you had initially anticipated. Pisces You may feel triggered by the New Moon’s immense energy, Pisces, so much so that you feel as if you need to be guarded or match the energy of the aggressor – which will not do any good. You instead need to stand firm, remain rooted, but yet also consider opening your mind to some new information coming through. While you feel as if your plans are about to fail because of this minor inconvenience, you may actually find an alternate route or even higher insights which can help get what you want through a different method – as well as much quicker. This may also be related to the past, perhaps an old project you were once working on didn’t pan out, but you are able to revisit it with a fresh perspective and take it to a whole new level. Whatever the case, this sudden spurge of energy that comes crashing into your life isn’t something to keep guarded against, but to instead investigate and use the tools and insights it brings with it.
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