ZODIAC TAROTSCOPEs Scroll down to find your sign. ARIES SUN, MOON, OR RISING
The New Moon offers new foundations and success in the realms of your career, social circles, and this may be a result from choosing to see things from a more optimistic point of view. You chose to focus on where you are abundant and how far you have come in these areas, and with that came a spark of inspiration to focus on how you can continue to grow. You may receive communication regarding an opportunity with work or enriching your connections. TAURUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING With Jupiter placing you in the spotlight, everything that you touch seems to expand. So, be mindful with what you are focusing your attention on, especially in terms of anxiety/worries. The New Moon wants to help propel you towards new opportunities but there seems to be something standing in your way, and that could be limitations that stem from negative habits or thinking patterns. The more you resist making these changes could also affect your finances such as facing blockages in making money, or feeling that money is constantly being depleted no matter how much you make. It’s time to make some internal changes and redirect your focus on what you want to grow, rather than giving power to the self-limiting beliefs as to why you “can’t”. GEMINI SUN, MOON, OR RISING When you believe in yourself and the beauty of your dreams is when you choose to co-create your reality and make room for the experiences you truly want. You may be undergoing a major change in how you project yourself, such as showing up as your higher self, or your favorite self. This is what is attracting inspiration and new opportunities to seemingly time-line shift into the reality you have dreamed of. This New Moon is in your sign and opposed Neptune, so that “delusional” lucky girl/boy syndrome is the energy you want to align with. CANCER SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may need to pay more focus to your mental health, Cancer, and push your attention towards the areas in life in which you are abundant, loved, and lucky. You might be focusing on something that isn’t really as bad as it is, or even pushing fear in new opportunities because of where you have been – whatever it may be, you are dialed into the past and the many reasons as to why you need to feel sad. If this is a current situation, then it may be triggering these old emotions to come to surface for the sake of an emotional release so to make room for the new experiences you want. LEO SUN, MOON, OR RISING This is a great new moon for you to manifest with, Leo! Luck is so on your side with Mars and Venus enjoying themselves in your fiery energy. However, if you wish for abundance then you need to address that lack mentality, because you cannot handle what you want if you still have the mindset of not deserving it or feeling it is impossible and out of your reach. It’s like wishing for health but still behaving like you are sick. You will attract and create whatever you truly believe down to your core. Fluff up that mane, Leo, and roar loud and proud, because you deserve all the wonderful things you dream of! VIRGO SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may be going through a change in career or considering starting a business. There are some lessons you have learned in the past which can help you become successful with this shift. However, it is important that you take your time before jumping into anything and really consider what you want, for the long-term. While money is nice, you want to ensure that whatever you are starting is focused on the internal rewards as well, as doing what you love is worth far more than a few extra dollars in the bank account (yes, we all want our bills paid, but even then, you still want to feel grateful going to work and not dreading it). LIBRA SUN, MOON, OR RISING You are expanding your mind and taking on new ventures that connect with your creative side. The New Moon opens a door to dive deeper into exploration and invites you to embark on an adventure. You could be making goals for traveling, considering going back to school, learning something new that inspires you greatly, or perhaps even choosing to see something from a higher perspective which changes the whole game. You could also be planting the seeds for something that will bear its fruit during the summer, and it’s something unique which displays a massive flex, but in a very subtle way that inspires others around you as well. SCORPIO SUN, MOON, OR RISING The New Moon is right in your 8th house, Scorpio, meaning that you will feel more at home with this Moon. You might be more withdrawn from others and more connected to yourself. Meditation, esoteric study, and a more intimate connection within yourself or a significant other may be the focus. This would also be a great New Moon to manifest your desires and start acting upon your passions. You might feel more in tune or even receive more downloads as well. Pay close attention to your dreams and intuitive daydreams. SAGITTARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING If you have been considering starting a partnership – romantic, professional, or platonic, then really consider it. This connection will serve you well and for the long term. If any issues arise around these areas, then address them and do what you can to resolve them. There is an indication of a strong bond that is going to surface, or be more relevant during this New Moon, and how the many ways it brings growth and a deeper connection to yourself. CAPRICORN SUN, MOON, OR RISING Capricorn, you’re not focusing on your daily habits as you should be and your head is too far in the clouds on other matters that don’t really matter as much! You need to ground and take a look at what you are doing day-to-day and then analyze if these habits and tasks are bringing you closer to your goals or are self-sabotaging. You may also be more focused on your health. This is a great New Moon to set intentions on these areas of your life. Situations in work or coworkers may arise as well, good or bad, they are either worth celebrating or pushed into your focus because of needing to be addressed. AQUARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING Your head might be in the clouds, Aquarius, and you are loving every second of it. Do know that while you’re happy as pie dreaming of a wonderful future ahead, there are things that you need to focus on in the present as well, so don’t get too caught up in outer space! There is also a need to be more selective in your choices in terms of dating or creative ventures – you might have a lot of offers, so don’t commit right now until it feels right. So in the meantime, just continue to enjoy yourself and ride the wave! PISCES SUN, MOON, OR RISING Issues within the home or family may come up during the New Moon. These may be new and exciting things that bring a lot of joy, or they may be old issues that are finally being cleared out to make room for those new experiences. There is also a need to focus on balance in going out and having fun and also taking care of your daily responsibilities – don’t feed into one more than the other otherwise you lose that momentum or sense of zest. This New Moon is also a great time to be optimistic in setting new goals or making plans that correlate with your family, close friends, or your home.
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