3/18/2023 0 Comments New Moon in Aries – March 21, 2023Zodiac Tarotscopes ARIES SUN, MOON, OR RISING
Logic will get you what you want, Aries. There might be a lot of fear revolving around a situation that could lead you to react in ways that would make these fears realized. Temper your emotions and don’t respond from a state of flight or fight. Remind yourself of the bigger picture in what you truly want to come from this situation, new goal, or connection and come from a place of willing to compromise. What is best for all? It is also important to remember that you are supported and will be given whatever is needed to achieve a treasured goal. You may also be making moves in your life that will yield long-term results or consequences – good or bad depends on your approach and what intentions you are being led by. TAURUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING When you know what you want you will seek out to get it. You might have been contemplating on your next step or what you wish to come out of a situation you have been considering investing yourself into, and while you are so logical, and pragmatic in your steps, you have chosen to instead follow your heart. With this breakthrough came the ability to ease in the flow, allowing you to step forward intuitively and with more purpose. The New Moon may bring about romance that could build into something which adds more quality, abundance, balanced effort, and achievement into your life. Also, if you are not looking for anything romantic or committed, do not be alarmed if you are presented with multiple offers, as this makes you appear even more magnetic. GEMINI SUN, MOON, OR RISING You have been stuck in a rut for a while now, Gemini. Since Mars got cozy in your sign and has spent the last seven months there, things have been frustrating and you have felt unable to move stuck energy that seemed to linger, no matter how hard you tried to bypass it. You may have even felt paralyzed or emotionally lethargic and unable to move beyond borders that seemed impregnable. That is about to change, and much quicker than you had thought. Not only is this New Moon going to spark you with the oomph to get energy flowing, but Mars will also be transitioning out of your sign near the end of the month, allowing that spark of energy to stay. You may be presented with many opportunities and new energy from many different directions – invest into the ones that align with what you sought for over the past few months. CANCER SUN, MOON, OR RISING Listen to your gut, Cancer. You might be responding from a place with too much emotion that is based on fear, causing you to turn a situation into something far worse than it needs to be. Don’t go seeking too much outside guidance or get obsessed with finding answers – you know deep down what the answer is and need to call back your power by finding your center and working behind the scenes to ensure a successful conclusion or next step in a situation. This New Moon may trigger deeply imbedded wounds that have been hidden in your subconscious, but seeping out in certain habits, attractions, or even addictive behaviors. Don’t feed the fears, Cancer, and don’t succumb to temptations or old patterns. It’s time to break a cycle and choose from a place of love and higher pathways. LEO SUN, MOON, OR RISING What are you investing your time and energy into, Leo? Are you holding back because you fear not having what it takes? The opportunities presented to you would not be there if they were not yours to take. You have everything within yourself to get what you want – you just have to believe in that and proceed with confidence. You are so very close to achieving a goal, or perhaps setting a new goal that would require a lot of hard work. Whatever the case the work is or will not be easy. What you are fathoming in your heart, and your mind, is worth the effort, but you must do the work. Along this journey will bring about a lot of self-improvements which will teach you a great deal, and will bring about rewards far greater than you had initially thought. VIRGO SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may want to take some time to really contemplate on what you want before making any moves, Virgo, as you risk making the wrong ones if you choose out of fear, doubt, or a place that resides in suppressed emotions resulting from wounds. Whatever next moves you are about to make will affect others around you, perhaps your children, or younger/less experienced connections that rely on you. There is a lot of pressure involved, and it could be what is causing a lot of the anxiety you are experiencing. Take your time to find your center and choose from a place that feels intuitively aligned with something bigger than yourself – choose from a place of love and what is best for all involved. You are about to enter a new phase which will be more emotionally fulfilling. LIBRA SUN, MOON, OR RISING The path ahead of you might not be the easiest, but the success you will obtain will be worth it. You have everything you need and the support by your side to achieve what your heart is set on. You just need to muster up the confidence in knowing that the path before you is meant for you. This may be a situation that really pushes you to realize your worth and to show up for it. The more you react from a place of self-love and respect, the more you will experience the ease of overcoming the obstacles involved. What you want is obtainable, so don’t self-sabotage because of self-limiting beliefs or doubts. You are about to receive so much abundance, Libra, so ace this test! SCORPIO SUN, MOON, OR RISING The conflict and separation you might be experiencing could be resulting from succumbing to the foul play of others. This whole situation may be resulted from fear, and you are being shown the results from feeding those fears and them taking form. Others may also be projecting their own self-limiting beliefs upon you, which has you doubting your power. You may need to separate yourself from people in your life that contribute to perceiving life through a lower frequency and emit to a higher one, that is built upon self-respect and remembering your own power. You’re a big fish in a small pond, Scorpio, it’s time to look for deeper waters that cater to your growth. SAGITTARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING You can do anything you put your mind to, and with luck on your side, you’re going to see that your optimism and focused passions are going to pay off. You might be doing something that others don’t agree upon, or perhaps they are trying to place their own self-limiting beliefs upon you, pulling you away from an endeavor you feel in your bones is right for you. Listen to your heart and follow your gut – you are being led to a new opportunity that is going to be well worth walking the path less traveled and doing your own thing. You may be receiving news of this opportunity soon, or perhaps already have. It is going to feel like taking a gamble, but it will be worth it. This could be the pivoting moment you’ve been waiting for to blast out of old cycles that have held you back in the past. CAPRICORN SUN, MOON, OR RISING Listen to your gut, Capricorn, because you are going to experience some massive changes that will require you to be led by your intuition, as you’re going to feel these events are outside of your control. Basically, the ego cannot call the shots in this situation. Logic will not lead you here. Your soul needs to take the reins in this situation. You might have felt something is coming, and it would be almost fated, or perhaps divinely orchestrated. However, the circumstances surrounding it have you puzzled. Over-thinking this situation and trying to control it will only offer more frustration. Take time to meditate and remember what you have already cultivated for yourself – recognize your strengths and rely on your inner resources. Things are about to shift towards a more spiritually authentic path, bringing forth lessons and cycles made to elevate your soul. AQUARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING You’ve experienced such a shift in these past few years, and it has not been easy. You have suffered a lot of loss and changes in your environment that had altered much of your life. A lot of the fixing and reconstructing is complete, and now it is time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You are going to be presented with an opportunity that offers expansion within your home, relationship, or something with your creative/spiritual endeavors. This is going to bring deep feelings of accomplishment and perhaps even really appreciating the magic of the Universe in how every door closed, or shift in direction, caters to something even better than you were initially settling for. If you get offered an opportunity or invitation, really consider it, if you haven’t already. PISCES SUN, MOON, OR RISING The issue of trust is going to really rock your World, Pisces. You may have felt left out in the cold in the past by something, or someone, and it could be resurfacing during the New Moon. While you have a second chance to go about something you may have really wanted, it is important to remember that there are underlying issues that caused the upsets from the past. You will need to do things differently this time, and it could involve more with your mindset when it comes to the concept of lack in your life – in feeling inadequate, or that you are not receiving enough of something you need, which brings an almost immobilizing force in your life and limits your ability to manifest or align with what you truly want. It is wise to use your discernment in any repeating or new situations, after finding your balance and regulating your nervous system, and seeking what you lack from within. Remember, you lack nothing, don’t react from a place of need.
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