This Fiery moon is going to give you the boost you need to get your shit together. It comes in with a massive kick in the butt and propels you forward to finally start on that project you have been considering for a while now. There is no more thinking, planning, or weighing out the options – it’s time to act. The New Moon in Aries is rather aggressive, and it delivers what is needed. Creative or artistic pursuits are highly favored, as the cosmos are in the right place to ensure that the energy is channeled towards expressing ourselves in a manner that isn’t just heard, but also felt. Of course, you need to ensure that you transfer this energy accordingly; if you are stagnate or haven’t any direction, then it can be quite chaotic and explosive. This New Moon is all about planting seeds. The energies before were all about setting the soil and deciding on which plants we wanted to grow, and so now it is time to take that first step and seal the deal. The Sun is also in Aries, which doubles up this potently strong energy, making this the perfect time of the year to start on something which is going to allow for the shifts you need in order to achieve the experiences in life that you desire. From the April Zodiac Tarotscope: On the 5th we have our first New Moon within fiery Aries which inspires us to plant seeds for new beginnings. Because the Sun is also in Aries, this is the best New Moon of the year to launch a new project, start a new job, or enter a new relationship. Read More… Card Pull for the New Moon in Aries XII the Hanged Man | Protection Cards are from the Moonchild Tarot and the Work Your Light Oracle "Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul Retrieval." It’s time to wake up and smell the flowers – literally and figuratively! The New Moon in Aries is one of both action and of course, as always, letting go. In order to get the ball rolling on those big goals and plans, you must let go of what is holding you back or thwarting your growth – basically, you need to weed out that garden as you plant those new seeds. The Hanged Man is a card of both spiritual growth and also sacrifice. This card is a representation of the Norse God Odin, hanging from the Tree Ygargisil, the Viking Tree of Life. He sacrificed his eye in order to gain the Runes which in turn allowed for his people to express themselves through the written word so that their ancient stories of creation could be handed down through generations. Even though he had to give up one of his eyes, which you would think inhibited his vision, he actually gained further insight through his mind’s eye. He received limitless knowledge and understanding of the 9 realms, allowing him to help his people of the Earth (Migard) evolve into higher beings. The Protection card is one of gaining your true self and delivering it into your goals and dreams. In protecting your plans and allowing you to manifest your desires with proficiency and without obstacles to hold you back or to cause further delay. It's time to call back your power and direct it towards a positive focus that allows growth, evolution, and raising your frequency. This New Moon is major in receiving ancestral gifts which correlate with your Higher Path, in allowing you to obtain your gifts and to express them onto the World, so to contribute in the ways that Source had planned when your lifepath was written within the stars. You are receiving soul memories as you retrieve parts of yourself which have been hidden behind old wounds gained from prior lifetimes and bypassing karmic ancestral cycles which kept you within a loop of restraint and struggling to move forward. It’s time to release yourself from the shackles and to embrace the freedom that comes with authentically walking your soul’s higher path and completing one of your many missions here on Earth. What Does the New Moon in Aries Have in Store for Your Zodiac Sun Sign?ARIES
Elephant Spirit Learn from the Past They say that an Elephant never forgets, and this case, you need to acknowledge and learn from the past rather than run from it. You are a sign that easily bounces back from any mishap and propels forward with ease, paving new paths and acting upon new ideas with lightening speed. However, this New Moon wants you to understand the past and how you had come to where you are today as a result of it. What old behavioral or subconscious habit patterns need to be released? TAURUS Fox Spirit Think on your feet. When opportunity knocks, Taurus, then you better answer the door! This New Moon brings new energy and a cosmic burst of opportunity and possibilities. You may have to act fast, though, so not to delay the process of receiving this wonderful gift. You may also be driven to be more expressive – to say what’s on your heart, and to say it with true intention so it is not only heard, but also felt. GEMINI Turkey Spirit Give with gratitude and grace. If you happen to come up short during this New Moon due to a friend or someone of importance treating you with disrespect or even borrowing money and not giving it back, it may be hard to see the positives within this situation, but alas, you need to be cautious of the thoughts and emotions you harbor over this. This New Moon has such a fiery and aggressive feel to it, that you need to be careful of what you dish out, especially in return of a bad trade or result with someone you may lose respect for. Rise above the chaos and transmute negativity into positivity. It’s all about your mindset, Gemini. CANCER Wasp Spirit Sometimes, life stings. Sometimes the difficulties in life are necessary for growth. This New Moon may be rather challenging for you, Cancer, as it is within opposing signs which tend to ruffle your feathers. However, the necessity for the pain is unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean there is some beauty to come from it. You may be inspired to make some painful but needed changes in your life. You may not realize this blessing in disguise until well into the future when you are redirected towards a higher path. LEO White Raven Spirit Trust in the magic. When you start to focus on the light when you feel you are in the dark, even if it’s a small speck of light, is when you invite the Universe to bring magic and meaning back into your life. You need to trust in the divine plan that Source has in store for you Leo – and you may have already been picking up on the subtle signs such as synchronicities which have been present. This New Moon invites you to invoke the magic within and also that is around you. Marvel over the miracles that you bear witness to and give thanks to the higher powers which guide you. VIRGO Wasp Spirit Sometimes, life stings. No guts, no glory, Virgo. This New Moon is wreaking havoc in your life by planting seeds of chaos, misinformation, miscommunication, and missed placed good. Sure, Mercury is direct now, but it seems the cosmos are giving you a run for your money, possibly even literally as well as metaphorically. However, there is a method to this madness. You are getting too comfortable within your quiet space and need to break free from that comfort zone because it has become too restrictive. It’s time to grow, and its time to realize the beauty in that. LIBRA Giraffe Spirit See the big picture. This New Moon doesn’t necessarily serve as a break between the two consecutive Full Moons which are ruled by your sign, Libra, and so there is still much work to be done. You might be getting lost in the details of a plan you are trying to put into action, and so you are at a loss with what your next step should be. Spiral out, and take another look at the bigger picture, and then have faith the Universe will provide what you need – be it through close connections who channel the divine light you need to shine onto your next step, or the tools needed for it. SCORPIO Chameleon Spirit Act as if. Just like your Mars-Twin, Aries, you too have to find your strength in numbers and in molding in with the crowd. This doesn’t mean you have to lose your uniqueness, or merge with others whereas you’d like to prefer being in the background – this means there is something valuable to be had, but it is only given when you are amongst those who lift you up and raise your vibrational frequency. You are such a lone wolf, Scorpio, but this month you will find the enjoyment as well as resources needed when you are closely glued to those likeminded souls who share common goals. This New Moon urges you to find your strength in numbers. SAGITTARIUS Buffalo Spirit The abundant universe will provide. The New Moon inspires you to cultivate the abundance you desire, Sagittarius. While this month does seem to be rather rough, once you set those boundaries mentioned, you will find that the Universe opens its floodgates to you to offer rewards of the abundance you desire. Set your intentions this New Moon to what you need, then follow the guidance you receive through subtle signs the Universe sends out to you in the means of synchronistic symbols and intuitive hunches. CAPRICORN Armadillo Spirit Set healthy boundaries. Boundaries are not a hard subject for you, Capricorn, as you are one to easily draw the line – well that is of course unless it is someone you have sworn your loyalty to, then it can be a bit difficult to set up those boundaries and let others know their place. This New Moon says enough is enough and you need to stop obligating so much of yourself for the sakes of others, and then selling yourself short when it comes time to cash in the returned favors. Practice the art of saying ‘No’ and give back to yourself, instead. AQUARIUS Moth Spirit Surrender now. Aquarius, you are not one to follow direction that is put into place by someone else, but it seems that the cosmos are forcing you to redirect certain things in order to not only find closure, but to also come up with lasting solutions to old issues. You need to surrender to this flow and not resist, or try to overly control events. The New Moon triggers you to think deeply and to find the beauty that comes with surrendering to the divine flow where your higher path is embarked upon. PISCES Giraffe Spirit See the big picture. Reach out, Pisces, and take a bigger look around you. There are so many opportunities circulating around you, and while you have felt a bit disoriented in the past on where to go, by taking a glace at the bigger picture this month, you are sure to find the right one to grasp onto. The New Moon wants you to plant those seeds, to be direct and clear about what you want to grow, and then not to lose sight in what you are striving forwards as you begin to tend to the garden of your dreams.
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