The first new moon of the Pagan new year falls on April 11th, and with it being in Aries, it calls for bringing in new energy such as starting new projects and taking bold new steps. Accompanied with the New Moon is a conjunction between Mercury, Venus, Chiron, as well as the Sun. This puts the Aries energy in the spotlight and influences us with a more aggressive approach to where we set our focus. Good intentions to set forth during this time would be a new approach to old issues we still need to release and resolve, making new goals, adopting new mindsets, and broadening our vision for the future. While the new moon is the first within the Pagan new year, Chiron which is known as the wounded healer, and being in Aries, it allows for us to clean out our closet of the things in which have kept us prisoner to the pain. This new moon is major in terms of healing not only the wounds received within this lifetime, but lifetimes before as well. This is a massive purge: in releasing much of what has kept us blocked, in releasing that heaviness which has slowed our pace, and releasing whatever has harmed our confidence and belief of self. Both Venus and Mercury can definitely create issues within our personal relationships as our communication styles are more blunt or brutally honest, and our eagerness to chase after new adventures or adding that spark once again is undeniable. The ability to transmute the energy may be a bit difficult as Aries is the sign of energy and always makes a bold statement that is hard to miss. Be mindful of saying something that you cannot take back or acting on impulse and making waves that create actions which cannot be undone. Most of all, be mindful of reacting from a place of our wounds and insecurities. This is a time of considering if we are acting from our wounds and if we're allowing the pain to lead us, and if so, how we are able to create new pathways that correlate with our power. While much of this Aries energy is difficult to transmute, it can be transformed in the sense of finding our seat of power and aligning with a newfound sense of confidence that is no longer watered down by the programming of how our pain had shaped us. Triggers are most definitely likely, especially triggers touch our insecurities, sense of confidence, sense of self, as well as acting upon our higher goals and dreams. The triggers that come about are messengers which reveal what needs to be healed within us. Rather than reacting to these, it would be best to observe, to heal, and then to release. Aries is the pioneer and will not cower away from new adventures or hold back when that itch strikes a chord for new movement. Self-discipline is a must, as well as aligning your focus where this massive boost of energy can cater to the goals and actions you have been wanting to set forth on. However, before we can venture to the new, it is important to close out the old first, otherwise we will be met with roadblocks in the future, or our newfound growth will be stumped. This energy can be useful for problem solving, awakening that inner warrior, and bringing strength into issues that we could not resolve before or apply confidence when facing adversity that had the upper hand in the past. RITUALOvercoming Challenges (Awaken Your Inner Warrior) Get full access to Rituals & Tarot Spreads for the New & Full Moons with a Work Your Alchemy Membership There are many placements within the warrior sign we know as Aries, which helps us align with the right mindset as well as actions that can be effective in resolving issues and overcoming challenges that we could not in the past. This ritual is designed to help activate and awaken your inner warrior. OTHER ITEMS TO CONSIDERZODIAC HOROSCOPESDedicated for your Sun and/or Moon sign ARIES
You have so many new and exciting ideas swirling around in your head as well as the energy to take part in them all. However, while you are eager to start new adventures, you need to prioritize your time and ensure that you are not taking on far too much than you can handle. You may be prone to make false promises, to yourself as well as others, as you are eager to reach for the stars. Self-discipline during this time is a must, focus this energy towards one grand idea and unleash your boundless energy. TAURUS Family is incredibly important to you, taking care of one another as well as offering one another the support and gifts to reach obtainable goals. You will find that you are greatly supported as well as pushed towards a great ambition. You may be receiving a gift that allows for you to shoot for the stars and obtain the object of your desire far easier than you were able to in the past. GEMINI To tell a Gemini to follow its heart is much easier said than done. However, this is a time of listening to what your heart wants and setting forth on the path it leads you. You may need to spend a little time alone so to quiet the background noise and understand exactly what your heart is trying to tell you now. While you are understanding of others and always eager to show up when they are in need, this is a time of acting more independently and doing what you need before catering to the needs of others. CANCER Before you can set forth new goals and pathways there are certain things in the past that you have to take care of first. You cannot open up that new door until you have closed the one behind you. You might be unsure on where to start because you have been avoiding this issue for far too long and it may have gotten out of hand. Mind over matter, focus your energy on your strengths and you will find you are able to accomplish what you need, as well as be grateful that you did. LEO Tunnel focus is important right now as you are eager to start a new venture that requires a lot of your energy, and so any distractions around you need to be avoided. you need to look at the bigger picture at play, visualize exactly where you want to go and then start walking towards it. While there are minor details at play in which you need to pay attention to as well, you can leave those smaller tasks to others around you. You do not have to do everything all at once, because your path is leading you towards an avenue of great success, and so you need to ensure that you are ready for it. VIRGO You might be feeling a little underappreciated right now because you have been putting forth a lot of your time and energy into numerous things, much like juggling so many different aspects of your own personal needs as well as the needs of others. It does seem that nobody notices all that you do and while you do it without any sense of obligation, a little appreciation will certainly go a long way, however, boundaries are also equally important. You may need to speak up about how others can pitch in and help, because there is no need for you to take on all of this on your own. Those around you are perfectly capable of putting forth an equal amount of energy, so do not enable them to get away with it and put your foot down. LIBRA You may be feeling incredibly creative during this time, eager to start a new artistic project or to express what is on your heart and mind in ways that are colorful and dramatic. Whatever focus you choose to express yourself, it will most definitely inspire others around you. This may also be a time of reconciliation in which you are making amends with somebody you have a difficult past width. Forgiveness may not be easy but seeing that you are both aligned with a higher path, a more authentic truth, and ready to mend broken bridges, it will certainly be easier to flow than to resist. SCORPIO You have set some intentions a little while back, and while you are seeing others who have done the same enjoy the fruits of their labor, you are wondering why you are not at that level yet. You have done everything right, you have followed the directions precisely, and yet you are still without the beautiful blossoming that you have envisioned would be here already. There may be some changes that should be made, such as lifestyle choices or even your perspective. Whatever the case, adopting these changes will certainly help speed up the process, and no matter how late your bloom, it will be well worth the wait. SAGITTARIUS You have far too much on your shoulders and you cannot continue to try and carry everything as you have been. It's more than releasing some of these burdens, it's needing to hand them off to others who are perfectly capable of carrying them as well. You need to speak up, you need to set boundaries, and you need to understand that you are only human and cannot continue to overburden yourself. If you do not do this then you will risk experiencing a burnout or even express your needs for release in manners that ruffle feathers that cannot be smoothed in the future. CAPRICORN You are going to experience the support that you need as well as the helping hand that is going to be well appreciated. You are exactly where you need to be, you are doing exactly what you need to be doing, and you are going to be experiencing the confirmation of this during the time of the New Moon. the signs that you receive are not only there for you to celebrate success, but to also inspire you to continue putting forth the effort you have been in the past. AQUARIUS As soon as you resolve one issue it seems that another comes up in its place, and then another, one after the other. You might feel as if you have become a firefighter because of having to put out so many fires recently. You are experiencing the clothes of an old cycle they had much that was left undone, unsaid, and unresolved. Once you have completed closing out this cycle, you will be entering a new one, but that does not mean everything is going to come to a calm, rather that you have acquired the strength so to accomplish greater things. This is a time of buckling up those bootstraps, rolling up your sleeves, and approaching these issues with confidence, and knowing that you can do anything you put your mind to. PISCES You may feel stuck, and no matter what you do, there is no getting out of this situation. Either being stuck in a rut or within a situation in which you feel there is no resolution, you are starting to lose hope. You might feel there is nothing you can do, or perhaps you lock the inspiration to do anything at all. Whatever the case, you have to understand that admitting defeat or allowing your mindset to focus on the negatives is contributing to this sense of failure. You have to look at things differently, and understand that while you might feel you have been buried within a dark place, you may in fact have been planted. It is time to grow, growing strength, growing confidence, and realize that you can truly do anything you put your mind to. So put your mind towards the positives within yourself, and you will be able to get yourself out of this situation much easier than you thought possible.
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