The new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th marks a very important time to closeout old chapters that we have been venturing through for the past six months. Just like the fool card in tarot, the lunar and solar energies represent putting our old experiences behind us and embarking on a new path towards new cycles and experiences. There was a lunar eclipse and full moon in Sagittarius back in June, and now six months later on December 14th, there is a solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius. This marks the closing out of old chapters and experiences as well as offering us a massive boost of energy to look towards the future with optimism and sense of adventure. This would be a great time to start a vision or dream board, or something that allows for us to plan our new goals for the upcoming year. We can plan these new projects and goals so that when the new year comes along, we are able to execute this plan after considering all of the steps that we need to take. A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the earth is engulfed in a shadow casted by the moon which is partially or fully blocked by sunlight. This occurs when the sun, moon, and the earth are aligned. During this time, especially during eclipses, primarily solar eclipses, it is not necessarily wise to start new projects or to begin something new. While the new moon is typically the time that favors new beginnings, the intense power and force of this solar eclipse turns this new moon into a stop sign, urging us to pause and to contemplate where our journey has taken us in the past six months. This is where we take the time to consider the lessons learned and how to bring those into a newfound awareness and wisdom so that we can start new cycles, goals, projects, and pathways in 2021. This cosmic event also plays a lot in to our philosophical, spiritual, or religious beliefs. As Sagittarius is the sign with the gift of prophecy, wisdom, and higher thinking, we are able to consider where life has taken us so far and what belief system we are willing to commit to which aligns with our goals and future vision. Ends 12/21/20 Not Valid on Memberships or Subscriptions Zodiac Readings for the New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius What's in store for your sun, rising, or moon sign? Scroll down to find out! ARIES
The new moon and solar eclipse shine brightly on you, signaling a wonderful time for you too really consider putting in the energy and effort in starting a new project. While this time isn't necessarily ripe for taking that first big step, you can spend some time contemplating on what steps you are going to take when you get this project off the ground. If you have been needing any reassurance or confirmation that you are on the right path and that you need to go ahead with some sort of money-making idea or something that is going to bring about the security and stability that you crave, know that you will be receiving it and so be sure to follow the flow that the divine is guiding you towards. TAURUS This is a time to have faith and the count your lucky stars because as gloomy as your life might seem right now, you have energies that you cannot even comprehend that are protecting and guiding you. The divine typically channels its messages through others and uses them as a catalyst to perform its blessings, and so you may receive the guidance or the sign of needing to have more hope and faith through a complete stranger or a close friend when they say the right thing at the right time, and it triggers you in knowing that there are higher energies around you. This is also a time of making that wish upon a star, be it anything from needing that inspiration or even something physical that you were trying to manifest. This is also a time to really watch your thoughts and to ensure that you are giving more energy to your hope than you are your doubts. GEMINI Just when you were eager to get projects started, it seems that something from the past is coming back through because you had either procrastinated on completing it or have completely avoided it altogether. Whatever the case, the new moon and the solar eclipse in Sagittarius want nothing more than to give you that energy to boost forward, however, there is one thing which is blocking your path and this is something that stems directly from your past. You may feel that you lack the resources or even the energy to complete this task, however, if you focus on your strengths and you try your best to motivate yourself, then you will be able to complete this much easier than you thought it would be. You will thank yourself once you do as well when you are standing before the open door to new opportunities with nothing holding you back. CANCER The new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius are more than likely to bring a ton of synchronicities into your life. These are here to remind you to watch your thoughts and to focus more on your faith than your doubts, as you are in a period of manifesting a new cycle. Also, it is important that you focus on being optimistic at this time because something amazing is coming your way and the last thing you want to do is to feed into your doubts or your fears, which will come about as a self-fulfilling prophecy in blocking you from receiving what you were trying to bring into reality. LEO Even though the holiday season is right around the corner Leo, you need to be sure that you are not spending your money with a free hand right now. There is an opportunity which is going to present itself to you very soon and you may have to invest money, your time, and your energy into this and so you want to ensure that you have all of your ducks in a row when it comes through. You should be receiving some very good news about money in the near future as well and this is going to help you get a project started that has been long in the works. VIRGO While the new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius does oppose you, Virgo, there is some good news in store for you during this time. You might be getting a sort of itch to venture outside of your comfort zone and to try something new or different. This is a great time to adopt a new philosophy, learn about a new religion or spiritual belief, or even to get more in touch with your spirituality. Whatever the case, this is the perfect time for you to soar higher than you have before and to make way for new experiences. LIBRA Like the social butterfly that you are, Libra, this is going to be quite a busy time for you in terms of social events or even taking part in conversations and invitations with others. Whatever the case, your schedule is going to be filled with things that revolve around those you love and care about. You may even make some new connections during this time as well which are going to be incredibly important when it comes to future money-making ideas. It is also important to know that everything is going to flow for you during this time, money is going to flow, invitations are going to most definitely flow, as well as any tools or resources that you need to get a project off the ground. If you think it, you will receive it. SCORPIO You have been put through the wringer through these past few months, Scorpio, especially in terms of shadow work and clearing out those skeletons within your closet. The cosmos may not have been kind to you, however, all of the work that they pushed you to do has all been for a great purpose. During this new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius you are more than likely going to feel extremely comfortable within your skin, more aligned with your passions, and also recognized for the greatness that you are. If you are more prone to staying within the shadows or staying away from that limelight then I have some bad news for you, Scorpio, because you are most definitely going to be put in the spotlight but for all of your great qualities. So be graceful and accept the applause with gratitude. SAGITTARIUS Well Sagittarius, it does seem that the new moon and solar eclipse are right at home within your sign, and so they are putting you through it right now. While you can be quite social and love to be around others that bring the fun, it does seem that during this time you might be feeling a bit more reclusive than normal. This is partially because you might be a bit resentful towards others who have proven to be untrustworthy or even unreliable. Whatever the case, you have a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to these personal relationships and while it might be easy to lash out and to speak your mind in how you've been hurt, it would be best that you just keep to yourself and do whatever projects you have on your own so do not only distract you but to also give you a sense of accomplishment and to increase your sense of self-worth as well. Besides, you do not want to say something out of anger that you cannot take back and will later regret. CAPRICORN The new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius have you feeling quite adventurous, Capricorn, and this is good for you because you need to step outside of that comfort zone and try something new for a change. You may be evaluating your spiritual beliefs or even adopting a new philosophy that contributes to a whole new perspective regarding a situation, relationship, or even life in general. Whatever the case, it would be wise for you to step outside of that comfort zone and try something new so to break up the monotony and to create new connections, friendships, or even a new belief that not only brings clarity into your life but also that sense of adventure. AQUARIUS It seems that during this time the cosmos are stirring up a dose of romance in your world, Aquarius. The new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius bring an invitation into your life, an invitation of love or some sort of heartfelt deep connection with someone very special. You may be worried because this does not seem to be something that is going to be long term and you fear investing yourself into this new venture only to be left high and dry, or to not be able to depend on it for the long term. While that may be true, you want to try your best to align with the present moment because regardless of how long this is going to last, it is going to bring about experience that will be incredibly useful in the future. Not to mention, this is a catalyst to prepare you for something much better in the future. PISCES Well, Pisces, it seems that the new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius are going to shake your whole world up. You are going to be dealing with circumstances completely out of your control, as if the hand of fate has struck down and removed something from your path or reshaped it in some way. This situation is unavoidable and so it is best that you face it head on rather than trying to hide away. This may also have a lot to deal with Neptune moving direct just a few weeks ago, and it is in your sign, and so that does bring about a very harsh dose of reality which is meant to reshape your perception.
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