10/28/2020 0 Comments Full moon in Taurus - October 31, 2020The night Sky is lit up by a full moon on Halloween night, making trick or treating more enjoyable, but also all the spookier. The last time that we had a full moon on Halloween was all the way back in 1944, and the next time that we will be graced with another full moon on Halloween will not be until 2039. This makes Halloween night’s full moon very special. Not only that, but it's also considered a blue moon because this is the second full moon for the month of October, and ironically enough, the first full moon was on the first day of October and this last full moon is on the 31st - the last day of October. Being that this full moon is in Taurus which is the opposing sign of Scorpio, and Scorpio happens to be dominating the sun right now, this is most definitely a time to put those last minute touches to projects and things that we have been working on. This is also a time of getting closure within our romantic relationships and financial matters. Not to mention, this is a time to put those last-minute touches in terms of shadow work into play. The full moon in Taurus accompanied by the sun in Scorpio is here to show us the light within the darkness when it comes to feeling stuck in a rut either financially or romantically. This whole year has been quite difficult, not just for the United States of America, but globally as well because of covid. We have been forced to stay in our homes, and we have been forced to isolate ourselves, and so we haven't had the distractions socially as we typically would have to keep us out of our own heads. However, when it comes to a more outward or global scale of our social structure, we have been put through quite a bit when it comes to social issues coming back into light. With that said, we have in a sense been placed under a microscope where all the inner work that needs to be done has been mirrored out into society. In other words, everything is a reflection, and so the social issues that we have felt so passionate about connected to our inner issues that we may have been avoiding or rejecting. This can come down to self-acceptance of who we are down to the core, or even a reluctance to transform the toxicity within us that had been the culprit for our misfortunes. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and so it brings our value system into the light of the full moon where it can be dissected and analyzed into understanding what has truly been working for us, and what has been working against us. So, when our romantic relationships, and our financial issues are brought to light we can understand what it is within us that has been contributing to these issues. Of course, it is always easy to push the blame on to others, or to avoid responsibility when it comes down to these issues that we have been experiencing. We all want a sense of harmony when it comes to our relationships and we all want stability when it comes to our finances, however, sometimes it is us that is standing in the way from allowing that to happen. And so, this is where we can finally understand why we have been experiencing certain hardships, conflicts, or even having to do without the basic necessities that we need. While covid does have a lot to contribute to some financial issues, or even social issues that reflect to our romantic relationships because of social distancing, it is important to understand that in the end we can make things happen for us if we need them to. Yes, work has been scarce and many of us have been laid off or even hours have been cut to where we are not bringing in as much money as we were in the past, but, there are still other opportunities out there available to ensure that we can get by financially. After all, when there is a will, there is a way. The full moon in Taurus offers us another glance at available opportunities and resources to create a more stable environment in terms of both a romantic relationships and financial matters. SAVE 20% ON READINGS, RITUAL KITS & JEWELRY ITEMS Use code: SS20 Excludes Yuletide Specials: Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off | Buy 2 Get 1 Free What does the Taurus full moon have in store for your Zodiac sun sign? ARIES
The full moon in Taurus, accompanied by the sun in Scorpio brings up the issues you have been experiencing within your romantic relationship, in terms of the lack of excitement within the bedroom. There has been a sort of emotional or even sexual repression which has created barriers within your relationship. Perhaps you just don't feel the love within your relationship, or you just don't feel the love within yourself. Whatever the case it does seem that this results from feeling blocked by unhappy memories from your past relationships or even a fear of failing your partner. If you happen to be single, then these inner blockages are also present and create a sort of reluctance to get yourself out there so to find love. TAURUS You are placed under the spotlight with this full moon as it happens to be in your sign, Taurus. It does seem that this full moon brings to light the losses that you have experienced in the past and how you were not able to rectify these. You may feel down on yourself, and you may be experiencing a sort of mistrust when it comes to others in your life. You are having a difficult time to reach out and to let others in or to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, and so when it comes to your emotions or even your own inner resources you are setting up very firm boundaries and holding a shield that is acting as a brick wall. This full moon contributes a lot to your shadow work, meaning that your insecurities may be triggered so that you can understand why you have created these defense mechanisms and how they are not working for you. You have to understand that whatever happened in the past is in the past and there is nothing you can do to change those events, however, you do have the power to dictate your future path from here on out. GEMINI Oh Gemini, it seems that the Full Moon offers the same for you as many of the other signs of the Zodiac when it comes to things going bump in the night. This full moon is triggering the issues within your social circle. You may have had some sort of strife or conflict with someone in your life and it has been really weighing on you very heavily. It seems that the person who has been causing issues is motivated by jealousy or some sort of internal unhappiness and so they're projecting it onto you because you may have something they want. While this does seem very unfair, you have to understand that this person is acting from a place of pain and it really doesn't have anything to personally do with you. There is really nothing you can do to make this person like you and so your best bet is just to create some distance between you and this person. What is worse is that this person may even be spreading some sort of gossip around about you and rumors that are not true. Again, there is nothing you can do to rectify this situation other than to keep the distance and to be your best self so that in the end others who hear these lies will see the truth. CANCER The full moon in Taurus brings transforming events into your life, Cancer. These may be internal changes as well and with that comes an environmental shift that you have been needing. You might have had to do something recently that was very difficult, however, you are starting to see that this had actually made room for something better to enter your life. So, in a sense, you are going to experience miracles happen or a blessing in disguise take form. It is important to remember that you need to transform something within in order to see the changes reflect outwardly. You have to let go of something that no longer works for you, you have to close a door, or you have to implement the closure needed in order to move forward. Keep in mind Cancer, when one door closes another one opens. LEO While the Scorpio sun and the Taurus full moon highly oppose you, Leo, being that you are a fixed sign, that does not mean that miracles cannot happen. Halloween night offers you the perfect cosmic cocktail to excite your passions, to make you love drunk when it comes to your achievements, your positive qualities, and the way others see you. You may notice that you are quite popular Halloween night, perhaps there is some sort of party going on or some sort of costume contest and of course you're going to go in there making a full on scene where all eyes are on you. Whatever the case, you feel comfortable within your own skin and you feel proud with where you currently are in life right now. That reflects to how others see you as well, and so don't be alarmed when you start receiving a lot of attention. It is important that you try your best to apply this energy towards your creative projects, or your romantic relationships, because it is the perfect boost that is going to empower whatever direction you push it towards. VIRGO Halloween night triggers your insecurities, Virgo, regarding both your financial and possibly romantic life. You may have been given a second chance at something, something that you had tried to succeed at in the past but perhaps the timing wasn't right, or you lacked the resources needed, and so when it comes across your path during this time frame of the full moon, you are both excited and yet your anxieties are heightened. With that said, while you might feel that you had failed in the past, and so it is important to acknowledge the steps you had taken back then and how you can change things around in the present to ensure that the future goes in the direction towards the success that you had envisioned that this could become. Also keep in mind, your perspective has a lot to play into how well you do with this now. If you feel within that you're a failure, then you're going to set yourself up to fail. If you feel that you can tackle this project, and that you can be successful, then you are going to pave the way towards success. LIBRA Your sign has recently went back home to Venus, and with the Taurus full moon, currently the cosmos are complementing your greatest qualities. You may feel inspired, creative, or more passionate about your artistic nature. Whatever the case, this is the perfect time to put in those final touches towards any creative or artistic project that you have been working on. This is also a great time to get more in touch with your spiritual side, and you may even feel more drawn to meditative music, or feel that you are able to be one with the universe when you are in that creative bubble. Whatever the case Libra, this is the perfect time for you to channel your creative and spiritual side. SCORPIO While it may be Scorpio season, that does not mean that the whole month is going to be nothing but rainbows and butterflies for you, Scorpio. It does seem that you were instead placed under a microscope and your insecurities are dissected and put on display. This is a time of deep and intense shadow work. However, you may experience a temporary phase of peace during the Taurus full moon, meaning that during this time you feel more at peace within, graceful, and that you are able to appreciate the beauty around you. You honestly need this in your life so that way you can raise your frequency rather than being so doom and gloom and so focused on the hard work of transforming your shadow into light. While you can enjoy this little break that you are given, it is important to understand that this is just temporary and there is still much work to be done. So, don't get too comfortable Scorpio, you are just in the middle of the halftime show. SAGITTARIUS You are typically quite cheerful Sagittarius, however, it does seem that during this time with the full moon in Taurus, your shadow work is put into overtime. Your subconscious mind is heightened, to where you may have been having very strange dreams, or even noticed that your abilities to manifest your reality are empowered. With that said, your negative beliefs, thought patterns, or even your attitude is put on display and you are starting to see that you are creating your reality through your most intense thoughts, or those behavior patterns, and this is what has been keeping you within a cycle that has been contributing to feelings of being stuck in a rut, or even developing depression. If you have been experiencing a sort of habitual pessimism, then you have to understand that this is what is blocking your growth and the light that you are trying to seek. It may be helpful if you sought out some sort of help, such as counseling, or even energy work so that you can change these destructive problems for once and all. CAPRICORN Well the holiday season is just around the corner Capricorn, it is important that you save your money rather than get a little crazy with spending so much on the people you love and adore. There is a big investment that you have been keeping your eye on, or that will soon start to surface, whatever the case, you want to ensure that you have enough money to be able to grasp onto it. With that said, you may want to budget what you have available to splurge. There also may be an opportunity coming along which is going to help your career skyrocket to where you are more financially stable, or even experience a major financial increase. Keep your eye out for opportunities arising, because they are coming, and so when opportunity knocks you best be answering that door. AQUARIUS The full moon in Taurus also opposes you, as it did with Leo, Aquarius. However, it does seem that the full moon in Taurus accompanied by the sun in Scorpio, is triggering your past, but not in such a negative way. You have the opportunity to make major headway within your shadow work, meaning that you have the ability to receive the closure that you need and to apply the forgiveness that is needed in order to move forward from past mistakes, traumas, or heart breaks. This is the final touches that are needed in order for you to propel into a new cycle that is going to benefit you a lot more than the cycle that you have felt stuck in. Whatever the case, great things are going to be coming for you very soon, you just have to be sure to put in the work during this time. PISCES The full moon in Taurus pushes you to act, and to act accordingly when it comes to putting together those final touches to old problems that have become blockages which kept you from receiving the abundance or the stability even that you had wanted, Pisces. You may feel that you have to act alone right now as well, because you lack the support that you need, however, you have the resources within yourself required to get the job done. You may also notice that once you take that first step, others start to follow suit. This means that you are put into a leadership role, Pisces, and that you have to set the tone for others to follow. Whatever solutions that you bring to light during this time are going to be long term and will help bring about the abundance and stability that you have been wanting for a very long time.
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