The Full Moon in Libra may be at odds with the Sun in Aries, as these are strong opposing energies with Venus ruling Love and Mars ruling War. These energies can work well together, though. While the Sun in Aries is an energetic boost, backed with ambition and drive to jump start projects – Libra holds back the reins and says to look around at the details. Libra urges to take a more objective approach while weighing out the pros and cons of each possibility. Our gift this Full Moon is to consider our current path towards the goals and dreams we wish to materialize. This is the last of the 3 consecutive Full Moons starting from January which were in their respective signs, signaling a time of new energy and new cycles, making this an extremely powerful Full Moon which gives you a kick-start to those plans or New Years Resolutions you had set in the beginning of 2019. This is After all, the Spring Equinox and the Pagan New Year, as well as the Sun in Aries marks a reset in the astrological calendar as it is the first-born sign. When channeled correctly, this Full Moon can do wonders in your planning and mapping out your next steps towards a treasured goal – primarily if it is a creative or artistic craft, or something to do with a personal relationship. This will not be the only Full Moon in Libra this year, either, as we will be graced with another in April a day before the Sun moves into Taurus. And so, this Full Moon prepares you with the initial nudge to get things flowing before your intentions and efforts receive another powerful energetic boost. From the March Zodiac Tarotscope: March 20th, we welcome the first season of the year; the Spring Equinox, the Sun changing homes into Aries, and a Super Full Moon in Libra. When the Sun is in Aries, we are inspired with a boost of energy to get projects or plans moving. Those New Year’s resolutions you had set in the beginning of January may get the extra kick they need in order to finally be executed and achieved. The Super Full Moon in Libra helps us determine if these new plans, or old projects dug up from the past, are properly balanced. This of course can direct an inward soul-searching affect, thank to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, which has us take a deeper look within, to contemplate on our inner-balance of body, mind and soul. Tarot Pull for the Full Moon in Libra 8 of Pentacles | Yes Cards are from the Moonchild Tarot and the Work Your Light Oracle “Just say yes.” Are you investing your time and energy wisely? Right now you need to start paying attention to the frequency you emit and the steps you are currently taking. Everything you do now, will echo into the future. Pause and ask yourself, “Is what I am thinking, feeling, and doing right now, taking me to where I want to be in the future?” Depending on your answer to this, you will know if you are on the right track. If you happen to be wandering off your path, then consider what needs to be done to get back to where you need to be. This is a very valuable time and depending on how you use this powerful boost of energy, will determine how things will flow in the future. Do not feel discourage if you happen to be far from where you want to be – as when you look too far ahead, you might feel the journey is dreadfully long. Therefore, it is important to cut your plans into smaller steps, or goals, and as you accomplish one by one, you will feel much closer to your destination. This is a particularly powerful Moon for illuminating directions and cultivating inspiration for business ventures or for more security or stability within a relationship. It’s time to put together that dream board and to start planning that first step to get you what you desire. Gemstones for the Full Moon in LibraHarness that will power and direct your energy towards your heart's desire. Zodiac Oracle Reading What does the Full Moon in Libra have in Store for Your Zodiac Sun Sign? ARIES
Gratitude While it’s hard to be grateful during hard times, this perspective and the vibrational frequency of gratitude is what will help you get ahead of the game where you feel you are trailing behind. Take a hard-long look at all of the wonderful things in your life, even if there are very little, still look at them and give thanks. This will open the doors for more reasons to be happy and grateful. This is especially true if you happen to be at odds with your significant other or a close friend – rather than focusing on their bad qualities – focus on their good – because what you focus on, is what you will receive. TAURUS Listen You can give someone all the advice you feel they need until your face turns blue, but the thing is, they don’t need to be told what to do and just need a good shoulder to rest their worried head on. This Full Moon invites you to be the friend in need. GEMINI Give Back When you have something that someone needs, give it to them, because you may just be channeling the request they had asked from the Universe to help them. This Full Moon asks that you be the friend in need, or the perfect stranger than comes through at the right time and give back. This may even be as subtle as giving thanks for help you had received in the past. Give, without any thought of receiving anything back – give with an open heart. CANCER Support Call upon your closest friends or family members for the support you need. You will be amazed at the numbers which show up to have your back. March has been quite a painful month, and so you could definitely use the support from those around you. During the Full Moon you may need to ask yourself, “Are the people presently in my life supporting my cause?” depending on the answer, you should know whom to invest more time into, or whom to set boundaries with. This will open the doorways to bring about more supportive relationships that help you get through troubling times. LEO Take a Moment Time out, Leo. You need a moment for yourself to integrate what has been occurring in your life. Do not rush to conclusions, act hastily, or feel that you need to know all of the answers suddenly. Things will work themselves out and it will be without too much effort on your part. You may just need to speak up a little to those who are capable of handling some of the responsibilities they have felt enabled with you handling, and once you do, things will flow much easier for you to find some time to rest. VIRGO Receive You are bound to receive a wonderful gift this month, and so don’t even think of dismissing it. You might feel that you have it all covered on your own, or you fear rejection when reaching out to ask – whatever is stopping you, do your best to resolve those fears and know that the Universe and someone of importance has your back. What you will be receiving is a gift which will dramatically improve a situation which has caused you a great deal of stress in the previous months. LIBRA Hello from Heaven The divine wants you to know that you are on the right path. When you ask for a sign, don’t dismiss it. You may be overloaded with signs, symbology, and synchronicities sent to you by the Universe to shine that green light that you should go forward. SCORPIO Ancestral Wisdom This Full Moon invites you to a major spiritual download where DNA activation is concerned, as well as ancestral karma. You may be focusing on resetting cycles which have kept you prisoner within experiences which caused you to feel restricted or unworthy of the abundance you desire. SAGITTARIUS Vulnerability The Full Moon urges you to take a good look at what is making you feel so insecure – or perhaps you are blocking out your insecurities and putting up a block, making your vulnerabilities hard to access. The thing is, contrary to popular belief, vulnerability is a good thing. Its time to bare your soul, Sag, and to look deep within your own heart. CAPRICORN Animal Kingdom The Full Moon may be rather synchronistic for you as it brings about animal messengers into your World that confirm something you have been thinking rather intensely about. Either you need to let that inner-animal loose (which is fitting as your Tarotscope speaks of passion, instinct, and expression) or you need to involve yourself more with the animal kingdom – which may as well translate as getting that little puppy as a token of love for your significant other. Either way, this Full Moon awakens your inner animal and urges you to howl with delight. AQUARIUS Be Proud Even if you don’t see it, you have a lot to be proud of, Aquarius. Focus on your strengths and the trials and tribulations you have overcome already. Pat yourself on the back and know that you are worthy of all of the wonderful things you desire. Just because someone else possess a certain amount of abundance you feel you lack, doesn’t mean you are less fortunate – take a hard long look around you, at all of the wonderful things you do possess as well, especially within. PISCES Nature The best way to get your mind on the right track, or to change your perspective and focus on what truly matters or what changes must be made this month within your life is by getting out there and getting in touch with nature. Grounding, being inspired by the mere birds chirping in the trees, or marveling over the smooth flow of a small stream will help you feel inspired as well as cleanse your mind, body, and soul. The Natural world has all the cures you need to get your mind out of the gutter and back on track with your roots.
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