The Leo Full Moon illuminates everything within you that restricts the power behind what makes you so very unique and lights you up. Squared Uranus and the Sun, something new may enter your life that may come out of the blue – being a pleasant surprise or disruption is all based on how you perceive it. nonetheless, this is all for the sake of clearing out the clutter of resentment, restriction, and negative patterns that reside within your heart. It’s time to welcome in new energy that caters to our awakened, authentic, and aligned self. Zodiac TarotscopesARIES SUN, MOON, OR RISING
The time surrounding the Full Moon would be good to take a little trip and expand your mind to greater heights – metaphorically or physically. You may feel more restless or bored of your current day-to-day routine and need to break out of the rut. Focus on greater adventures. TAURUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING A friendship may become more affectionate, or an opportunity comes through that really inspires you. Whatever the case, the Full Moon is focused on shaking things up in your life a bit to offer more depth and personal, romantic, or spiritual goals. Don’t get too caught away with throwing expectations of how things are going to pan out, or control the flow. Sit back and be present – enjoy the experiences that may occur. GEMINI SUN, MOON, OR RISING Balance is important so check in areas that you are giving too much of yourself, or perhaps taking too much from others where you feel guilty. Focus on reciprocation and how you can make your personal connections, career, and anything else you pour into, more enriching and balanced. CANCER SUN, MOON, OR RISING Romance or a good feeling just like it is going to swoop in during the Full Moon. You might be connecting with someone a little deeper, or focused on your spiritual/creative connections and projects. Be present and enjoy yourself while channeling this generous and positive energy – it’s important you don’t restrict or slow the progress of things by throwing doubts or insecurities in the mix. LEO SUN, MOON, OR RISING You are so close to completing a very important goal, or are making slow but steady headway on a new connection in your life. Whatever it may be, as tiring as it can seem, it’s important that you keep going. Catch that second wind, but also don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process as well. You will be achieving what you desire very soon, as long as you keep putting in the efforts you have been. VIRGO SUN, MOON, OR RISING Ride with the waves of the spiritual, creative, and romantic energies that channel through your life during the Full Moon. Don’t focus on the outcome, and don’t restrict the flow by trying to take too much control. This goal or new connection you are immersed in requires that you align with it rather than analyze or dictate the process. LIBRA SUN, MOON, OR RISING New energy is about to enter your life very soon, and it might even be unfolding during the Full Moon. You are inspired with new ideas and a creative flow that gets the wheels in motion on a new goal or connection you want to invest yourself into. Go for it and bring some enthusiasm! SCORPIO SUN, MOON, OR RISING The time from this Full Moon leading up to the New Moon later this month is perfect for conjuring a new goal, manifesting something you really want to align with, or starting something new that correlates with stepping into your power. You are magnetic to others and to everything you desire. While you attract much during this time, it’s important to invest into what aligns with your goals and future. SAGITTARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may need to release some outdated obligations and responsibilities that have become burdens if you wish to start on a new goal or project. You are facing restrictions and blockages because you are overwhelmed and have too much on your plate. Clear out what is no longer relevant or serves you. CAPRICORN SUN, MOON, OR RISING You might feel more in tune or others are drawn to you because they need comfort. You will always do what you can for the important people in your life, and during this time they may just need some guidance or a soft shoulder to cry on. Your dreams may be more intense as well and full of meaning. Be sure to practice self-care and proper boundaries, but don’t push those away who truly need you. AQUARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING You are going to realize a goal that opens up more opportunities for you – or perhaps you recently have. During the time of the Full Moon you may be busy celebrating, or planning on celebrating a major accomplishment. Where you had once faced blockages, you are now experiencing opened roads. PISCES SUN, MOON, OR RISING An emotional release might be triggered during the Full Moon. While you might experience a loss of something that is worth crying over it, it is important to remember you can always venture down a new path. You may also experience more relief as well, no longer being weighted down by something which had you in an emotional struggle. Release and welcome something new.
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