The Gemini Full Moon opposes our Sagittarius Sun, making waves with its chatty demeanor and urging us to flow with our truth.
When the Moon is in Gemini we can expect to feel more social with a desire to make new friends and to venture out into the World. We are more confident in the way we speak and expressive with what is on our minds. However, the filter we would typically use is much thinner, and so our communication styles may be more blunt, especially with the Sagittarius Sun opposing the Moon in Gemini, we can be more than blunt – we can be brutally honest. Somethings are better left unsaid and kept in our heads rather than spoken. As we are getting ready to travel for the holidays, it might be difficult to remain focused, grounded, and even practical when making plans. So, taking our time and not rushing is important if we wish to ensure our packing list, gift list, and even our own wish list is obtainable and executable. This being the last Full Moon of 2021 and right after the string of eclipses, the Gemini Moon makes an exit with a bang, perhaps even bringing back old experiences from the year back out for review, so to ensure we have learned lessons, obtained the growth needed, and closed out old chapters so to make way for new cycles. It may even all hit us at once, pushing us to tie up those lose ends quickly and to secure it with a double knot. What Does the Full Moon in Gemini Have in Store for Your Sun/Moon/Rising sign? ARIES The path you’re currently on might not be exactly what you need. You had thought it was, and you’ve invested a lot of your time and energy into it. However, you’ve been facing some major restrictions that have left you in limbo, unable to move forward, and limiting heavily on your creative thinking – or simply your freedom to think for yourself. So, you have to ask yourself, is it really worth it? Perhaps taking a second look at things, considering whether the juice is even worth the squeeze, and conspiring a different route might be the better option. It’s not that your effort has gone unrewarded, in fact, you may come to find that you needed to come this far in order to identify the new opportunities available. TAURUS You thought everything was as it should be, until the rug is nearly swept from under your feet, and you’re left second guessing everything. It’s not that you’re on the wrong path, it may be that there is something more to learn before you can move forward. It’s important to keep an open mind, and it is also important to remain on the path you are currently on and not swept away by the sudden chaos that seems to appear completely out of left field. GEMINI You’re under the spotlight, Gemini, but yet you feel more as if you are left in the dark. You don’t feel appreciated or valued for the work you do or effort you bring into a partnership. The Full Moon brings the gift of illumination in shining a light over this issue so it can get the resolution it needs. However, what it needs might not be something so simple, as it requires you to speak your truth, set boundaries, and to inform others who are overlooking you, to either reciprocate your efforts or to stop expecting everything you have been offering. Draw the line, Gemini, and let others know where you stand. CANCER The Full Moon inspires you to think big – much bigger than yourself. You might notice a huge string of synchronistic events and signs, all confirming that these golden ideas are truly divinely channeled and meant to be acted upon. All that you need is support, and that comes effortlessly from someone that you trust, such as your partner or a close friend whom you know is reliable and will stand by you the whole time. This is time of divine alignment in setting part on a higher goal, even your higher path. So be sure to jot those ideas down and get to work. LEO Keep a journal close to your bedside, Leo, as your dreams are going to be packed with symbolism relating to some key situations in your life. The Full Moon speaks deeply to your subconscious and brings to life your spiritual side. You are going to be hit with some massive downloads from Source and your intuitive gifts may also be more intense. You may also want to spend some time alone so to meditate, work some divination, or journal your deepest thoughts and feelings. While the Full Moon is in Gemini and urges us to be more social, you feel more drawn to the Spirit world than the physical. VIRGO The Full Moon in Gemini gifts you reconciliation with someone from the past that had meant a lot to you. This is a time of coming together and setting aside differences so to celebrate what connects. You may also feel more creative and spiritually inspired as your feminine nature is heightened. While the Full Moon and the Sun both oppose your sign, this can prove to be a harmonious time for you, as long as you are willing to let love win and give someone a second chance – choose to see them through more compassionate and loving light. LIBRA The Full Moon offers you a gift that is to be added towards the legacy you are leaving behind, as it comes from the legacy that has been inherited to you. This is something that is well-earned, deserved, and is meant to be put towards good use, such as higher goals. This is something to contribute towards your foundation, making it sturdier and reliable, so you can continue to build, grow, and thrive without previous worries, doubts, or debts that once had you blocked or feeling helpless. So open your arms, Libra, and be ready to receive. SCORPIO What are you obsessing over, Scorpio? You feel something is completely out of your control, and it is bothering you, however, what you don’t realize is that this fight for control is actually taking control over you. Surrendering is never easy for you, Scorpio, but it may be the one that which releases you from this stronghold. Take a second look at things and consider how this situation is changing you, how unhealthy it is, and what a grip it has on you as well as tightly shutting the doors you need opened. Only then will it be easier to release that control. Then you will set yourself free and rise into alignment with what you truly want. SAGITTARIUS Slow and steady win the race, Sagittarius. We all know you love to rush through things and blaze that trail to the finish line. However, this is something that you need to be patient with, take your time on, and not focus too much on that finish line, or the end results and rewards. You are an adventurer, Sag, and with a different perspective on this journey you will find it is actually an adventure worth taking your time on, because the experiences it offers is far greater than the reward or that finish line. CAPRICORN What goes around, comes around. The Full Moon brings you a karmic exchange which allows you to close out an old cycle. You are only at the beginning stages though and still have a lot to do and a lot to learn. Something that occurred in the past might have left you puzzled or hurt – you felt it was unfair and didn’t understand the reasoning for it. You will be receiving the answers you were looking for which is going to either release you from this experience or give you the tools to take it to a new level more suited to your will than feeling pressured by the will of others. AQUARIUS Are you feeling the holiday spirit, Aquarius? The Full Moon has you buzzing with childlike energy, seeing the magick in everything and feeling inspired by the joy in others. You might be planning a trip for the holidays or creating a space for others to celebrate – whatever it may be, you are going to be busy but grateful the entire time. This is a time of letting your inner child out to play, so don’t restrain yourself or hold back from having fun – get out there and enjoy yourself. PISCES With the holidays just around the corner, you are feeling alive in soaking up all of the magick that surrounds you. This time of year is more than just consumerism and aesthetic, it is a time of believing in miracles and letting your inner child out to play. If you’ve been considering taking a trip or pampering yourself, then do it, because while you take the time to rest and pause from the busy world, you will give yourself the space to experience magick.
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