You have all probably seen the flood of memes and posts from fellow spiritualists about how the Full Moon energy is major with Twin Flames because of the repeated number sequence of 12, and because it is in Gemini, the sign of the Twins. The Full Moon is on December 12th (12/12) at 12:12 am EST. Sure, different time zones call for different times, and also dates (some may experience the Full Moon on 12/11), that it is in it’s full beauty, but, the synchronicity around it remains the same – however – it does go a lot further than just Twin Flames. Typically, the last Full Moon of the year is potent with releasing energies that we do not want to take with us into the following year. This Full Moon is a bit different and extremely positive, as it offers a massive boost of energy, enthusiasm, and optimism into the goals we wish to bring into 2020. The main downside to this celestial event, is that when the Moon is in Gemini, things can get a bit scattered and fickle. We are offered many different opportunities, have many projects going on, or we just don’t know where to start with a project because of the different avenues we can take. Thanks to Jupiter in Capricorn, we can expect a more focused influence to help navigate through the mess and bring order to some of the chaos. There is also a tendency to want two – at least two – of everything. This can be troubling when doing some holiday shopping with that one for me, one for you, mindset. Although our generous nature is peaked during this time, we have to be mindful of not being overly zealous and bringing in the new year with financial debt that could have been avoided with more discipline. The Sagittarius Sun opposes the moon but puts a major emphasis on the notion of too much. By all means, spoil your loved ones, but just be careful and stick to your budget. This Full Moon is a wonderful time to reconnect with old friends and to soak in that Holiday Spirit by bringing in others to share the cheer, making the holiday season more meaningful with that sense of togetherness. This is also a great Moon to focus on your spiritual path, to commit to a path and to follow it to completion. This also serves as a wonderful time for spiritualists, gurus, and psychics as it helps brings the unconscious, conscious. So, you can definitely count on those cosmic downloads to hit you, like a ton of light bulbs all turning on at the same time. This is where things might also get a bit tricky, with having an abundance of different routes to take on an idea, as well as a refreshed mindset after healing from an old defense-mechanism which kept your mind closed to opportunities you can now see. This Full Moon is all about that bounce-back. So brush yourself off from all of that shadow work you have been doing for the past few months and go out into the World as a renewed and much stronger, brighter, and loving version of yourself. Tarot Reading for the Full Moon in Gemini 3 of PentaclesDeck used: Wild Unknown Tarot Thanks to Neptune going direct recently and Jupiter moving into Capricorn, we can expect results, and we can expect to see them quickly. This is a time where our intentions are starting to take form and we get to realize our efforts. The Full Moon in Gemini gifts us with a boost of energy that is both encouraging and also inspiring, offering us the drive to tackle down those goals and formulate a game plan that can make things happen a lot quicker than we had thought. Shortcuts may be plenty around this time, and while you might be in the mindset to take them, you do need to be careful as sometimes a shortcut can serve as a dead end rather than a straight line to our destination compared to the rocky mountains we have to trail through. This is also a time of working with others, as a team or a group, and finding that you work well together and are able to quickly reap in the rewards for your efforts a lot quicker than when working on your own. Even if you are working on your own rather than with a team, or you are single without a partner, you will still find that this Full Moon surges you with confidence and makes you more attractive to others than usual – as they take notice of your vibe while you immerse yourself into projects you truly love and enjoy, and also how beautiful your creations and hard-work is. Zodiac Readings for the Full Moon in Gemini Deck used: Spirit Animals Oracle For more, visit the December Zodiac Tarotscope, or download the full-length PDF ARIES
Skunk Spirit Know your worth The Full Moon in Gemini wants to remind you of how worthy you are – and not just to others, but also in how you care for yourself as well, Aries. You might be treating yourself as second best, or perhaps you harbor unhealthy habits which cater to your demise than it does to your sense of self-love. The Full Moon shines the spotlight on your specialness and wants you to start celebrating the reasons you have to take better care of yourself, so that others in turn will start to do so as well. TAURUS White Raven Spirit Trust in the magic. Amidst all of the chaos that has been going on this month, Taurus, you have been receiving a lot of signs from the Universe such as synchronicity and such to offer guidance and hope that your troubles are not going to last forever, and there are solutions within your grasp. The Gemini Full Moon brings this gift of magic to you and reminds you to trust in the divine design of the Universe. Your strength, patience, and your mental powers are all being tested right now – ace it, Taurus. GEMINI White Raven Spirit Trust in the magic. As you venture towards new goals and aspirations, Gemini, you are led by synchronistic signs that are directing you towards your next steps. Pay attention. The Gemini Full Moon has you in the spotlight and you are getting hit heavy with all of the cosmic downloads. When it feels right, it is right – so follow your gut and allow your intuition to lead you. CANCER Hawk Spirit Let Spirit be your guide. The Gemini Full Moon offers you a different perspective. You have been a bit narrow minded, Cancer, and you are seeing a situation in the dark, whereas you need to focus on the light. Spirit is here to guide you towards a fresh look at things, so you can start to use your energy towards effective solutions. LEO Deer Spirit Bring a gentle touch. The Gemini Full Moon touches your voice and offers it the gentleness and precision needed in order to speak up about something that touches your heart. Leo, you have something important to say, and you worry about how it will be received by others – when you come from the heart, and you consider the tone of your voice and the words you choose carefully, then what you have to say will be heard and respected. VIRGO Crow Spirit Co-create with Spirit The Full Moon in Gemini wants to remind you of the power of your mind and when you put it towards good use in having faith for receiving the things that you want. When you are shrouded in doubt, you will miss opportunities that are available to help you achieve the things you desire. You need to change your perspective around from can’t, to can. LIBRA Dolphin Spirit This and that are true. Libra, you have a gift in seeing the light and the darkness in just about every situation. Some say that you are indecisive and that it is your negative quality in being so, however, it is actually a gift to see both sides of a scenario. The Gemini Full Moon emphasizes your gift of duality, in showing you two different sides of a story so that you can bring them together as one. SCORPIO Turkey Spirit Give with gratitude and grace. The Full Moon in Gemini is a gift in terms of resolving old conflicts with friends, family, and within your romantic relationship. While things had been rocky in the past, you are gifted with new eyes to see the other side of the situation, which allows for forgiveness and understanding to shine through. SAGITTARIUS Whale Spirit Trust the great mystery. While some things you might not have a good indication of what is really going on, you have to hold to faith that everything will turn out for the positive. The Gemini Full Moon may oppose you, but it fuels your optimism and sense of adventure, in moving forward on goals. You don’t need to know all of the answers right now, but even with that, you are still optimistic about the unknown. CAPRICORN Nightingale Spirit Love is all around. The Full Moon in Gemini reminds you that you are loved. Even if you don’t feel it, Capricorn, you need to look again and see that you have an army of loved ones by your side, ready to help you where you need it. There has been a lot of strife within your life recently, which may have you believing that you are all alone, but in reality, you are never alone. AQUARIUS Pig Spirit Use your mind wisely. You know that saying, “when pigs fly”? It is typically said when there is a doubtful outlook on a situation, or a goal seems too far out there to reach. Well... what if it wasn’t that far out there? The Gemini Full Moon inspires you with a sense of optimism, in reminding you that you hold the power within your mind to direct it towards achieving a treasured goal. PISCES Wolf Spirit Turn knowledge into wisdom. You learn and your grow, Pisces. The Gemini Full Moon has you integrating recent lessons you have learned and beckons you to transform this knowledge into wisdom. Those mistakes you had made in the past, or those connections that proved to be toxic all happened for a divine reason, and that was for your sake of growth and maturity during your emotional and spiritual evolution.
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