On June 24th, the Moon moves to structured and no-nonsense Capricorn. Opposed by both the Sun and Venus, as well as in conjunction with Pluto, which is currently in retrograde, this makes for a very intense time of evaluating our personal relationships, in understanding how we are investing our emotional and spiritual needs. Karmic connections are prominent now, in mirroring the areas in which we need to set boundaries, release resentments, and also expose our vulnerabilities for a deeper sense of intimacy. Our goals for the future are all-important now, and those who turn out to be wise investments will make the cut, allowing for us to continue working through those relationships so to make them prosperous. Those who do not make the cut, will have to meet with boundaries set so to know their place. As the time for acting small, beating around the bush, or contributing to our own misery by enabling these connections to continue is over. The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates the bullshit – the scattered mess that keeps us in a state of chaos or living from a state of survival rather than alignment. It shows us what we need to heal or what we need to release. While the Cancer Sun and Venus which is currently under the high seas of sensitivity bestowed upon by Cancer heavily oppose the Capricorn Moon, it does compliment a balance of tempering sensitivities and getting down to business, in understanding exactly how things work, in how they aren’t working, and how we can fix problems that have been creating blockages or setting up obstacles in front of our goals and dreams. While the Capricorn Moon is more practical and detached from emotional entanglements, our hearts are currently being ruled by a sign that is hyper-focused on sensitives and vulnerabilities. We can find a strong sense of grounding, allowing for our sensitives to take a pause so to see the root cause of what is triggered certain insecurities, or to see someone for who they truly are rather than the picture we had painted in our hearts that was inspired by their Higher Self, when in fact they are living as their Lower Self. This is a time of taking responsibility over ourselves and the ones we love dearly. This is where we step up and take things to a higher level in taking ownership of our own suffering, and of investing ourselves in being more committed to those who bring the value we need into our lives. Boundaries are better laid out during the Full Moon in Capricorn, as in the vision of why we must put our foot down and keep it there, because we can see the pathway it will lead to without having to carry so many burdens, much of which we placed upon our own shoulders. While the Capricorn Full Moon does bestow the gift of feeling more grounded and focused, especially since we’ve experienced two potent and life-changing eclipses and are still within the telescope of retrograde season, it does also beckon us to roll up those sleeves and to get down to business. Its time manage our hearts with a more serious approach of seeing things for as they are, and to take ownership of our own personal happiness within the connections we share with others. RITUALProtect Your Goals Get full access to Rituals & Tarot Spreads for the New & Full Moons with a Work Your Alchemy Membership The recent string of Eclipses really brought a lot of truth, harsh truth, out into the open. Now, it is time to take action and implement the steps we need to take so to clear our environment from the connections, vices, and toxicity that is holding us back from our truest potential, our future goals, and the deeper connections we crave. This ritual is focused on how you can protect your goals, so to remain focused, grounded, and determined in achieving what the heart has wanted all along. OTHER ITEMS TO CONSIDERZODIAC HOROSCOPEs Dedicated for your Sun and/or Moon sign ARIES
You are ready for some much-needed expansion and you’re here for it! You’ve been dealing with some very difficult circumstances recently that had you felt stuck between a rock and a hard place, and a lot of it may have been from your own doing because you were too stubborn to listen to fate as it gave you opportunity after opportunity to better yourself. But now, you are all ears, and you have been doing the work, and for that more doors are opening. You are going to be presented with some life-changing opportunities that are directed towards your social and romantic life. Be sure to be selective with what you choose to do and don’t rush head-first into the first one that comes your way. You may also be considering travel, or perhaps are invited to travel for work or with friends. So, get out there and experience the adventures that await! Make new friends, connections, and who knows, someone truly special that will light your fire. TAURUS Are you investing your time and energy wisely, Taurus? Are you watering dead plants, or are you focusing your energy on new ventures that will create more abundance in your life? It’s time to start thinking big, and its time to start considering some changes. You might be worried about your financial situation because of the road ahead of you, and fear that you won’t have what it takes to avoid a financial crisis. It is crucial that you stay on top of money matters NOW so to ensure you do not meet that fate you fear so much. Spend your money wisely and refrain from that retail therapy you think you need, because you truly don’t. You need to save more than you spend and invest your focus back into yourself and a new 5-year plan. GEMINI Stop putting so much energy into things that create such a conflict in your life. You have been chasing after the wrong things, Gemini, and it is starting to really weigh you down. You need to shift your focus elsewhere and consider what your long-term goals are, and if your current pathway is leading you there, or if it is delaying the destination. You have been subjecting yourself to a power struggle in which you are now depleted because of trying so hard to overcome this mountain top that was never meant to be climbed. You didn’t fail, you aren’t giving up, you were just on the wrong road and are starting to see the value of your own energy and how better to invest it, because rock bottom has finally woken you up to the truth. CANCER Everything you are currently doing Cancer, is going to be worthwhile very soon, and you will see that all of your efforts were never in vain. You’re making progress and you have some very good people in your life who are going to continue to support you and stick around for the long-haul. This is a good time to take a long look around you to see how truly blessed you are, and how far you have come. You are working so hard for stability in many aspects of your life, and you are getting there, especially in the emotional sense when you focus on those good people who bring value to your World. You may have also connected with someone new, or perhaps ignited that spark once again with someone already present in your life, and their influence is going to continue to inspire you. LEO You are in the midst of closing out a chapter in your life, opening the door for a new one to start. This cycle may have been long and difficult, but you did it, and now here you are ready to level up and bring on new experiences which cater to your growth. You may have recently ended a relationship, or started a new one, or both! Whatever the case, this person, or these people, were divinely orchestrated so to show you the right path to take which led to where you are now or are helping guide you to that new chapter you’re venturing towards in the future. What’s even better is you have a strong support system that is applauding you for all you had worked for – they can see the shift and feel the changes you had invoked within yourself. Whatever your next focus is, is bound to be successful. Chase after your dreams, Leo, they are bound to come true. VIRGO It seems that you are going through a cycle that is repeating itself when it comes to certain strife or conflicting energy. This is something that you have dealt with before, but perhaps you didn’t meet it head-on because of being too focused on other matters in your life, or perhaps you just didn’t feel you had the solutions it needed. Now, things are different. This cycle is coming back so to be conquered and put to rest. You need to muster up the energy and focus so to apply the right solutions, which will be different methods than what you had tried before in the past. Be sure to stand your ground but be flexible enough to adopt new perspectives in how to go about things. LIBRA Your mind is racing in so many different directions, and it seems all of the options you have given yourself to think about, are immersed in doom and gloom. Your anxieties are getting the best of you because you keep focusing on the negatives. What are you so scared of, Libra? Why are you allowing your fears to consume you? You might not be able to change circumstances in your life, but you don’t have to stick around and carry some of the things that you are, you can release those burdens, and you can free your mind from dwelling on them. A shift is coming, and with it comes the clear conscious you have been dreaming of. SCORPIO You have some amazing people in your circle, Scorpio, and even if that circle is small, its energy is gigantic. You may not have taken notice of how much you need certain people in your life, but they are there for you, and they help raise your frequency which allows for you to be strong, brave, and to manifest all of the beautiful things you want out of life. If you happen to be feeling small or out of sorts, don’t seclude yourself in the darkness, come out into the light and surround yourself with those who lift you up. You will find that a simple hug or just being in the presence of some of these people truly does help you a great deal. As they say, sometimes the best cure is an emotional connection. SAGITTARIUS You may have been the guiding light in the lives for others, but yet when you need that same support, you feel as if it is not there. Things are changing though, and you have made a new connection with someone who truly gets it and offers the inspiring influence you need. It may be time to start getting back in touch with your spiritual side in taking better care of your soul than you have been, and this person is guiding you to do so. This Full Moon may also trigger childhood wounds that you have neglected in healing, and so swimming into the depths of your spirituality may help provide the cure it needs. This would also be a good time to get creative, or to express yourself in a more artistic way, as it will prove to be not only therapeutic, but also deepen the connection within yourself and also attract the right people in your life that can meet you on that level. CAPRICORN What comes around, goes around, Capricorn. You are in the middle of a karmic cycle where the past is starting to catch up to you, beckoning you to take a look back at how things were so to know what the best route is to take in order to either instill better goals for the future, or perhaps to change course because of repeating a pattern. While you are looking back, it is important not to remain there, as your power lies in the present which fuels your future. Look at how far you have come, how much you have grown, and the trials as well as the tribulations you have overcome. What is your 5-year plan? And how can you ensure you bring back to life the magick you miss and allow things you no longer want to give energy to, to remain in the past? AQUARIUS It’s time to invest your energy wisely, Aquarius, and to focus on your future. Everything you are doing now is echoing into the future, creating those new experiences and adventures you are about to partake. You are also in a learning environment right now – either being taught the wisdom you must take into the future, or the subject matter is more invasive in giving you a new skill set in which you are going to invest more of your time and energy into, which will set up new foundations for you. You may be changing careers or some aspect of your financial situation as well. It is important that you really consider the future and do what an Aquarius does best, see that bigger picture. PISCES The theme for you during the Full Moon is support, Pisces, and where you can count on reliability from others. You might be a bit bitter because some people in your life have proven to be unreliable and left you high and dry when you needed them the most, but then again you can’t harbor on that, because you don’t want to manifest more cycles of lessons involving how to hone your independence and to count on yourself in the end. You are far more intelligent than you give yourself credit for, and you are also incredibly intuitive and can see through others, but you constantly fall for the best version of them when in fact they only show you the absolute worst. Perhaps it is time you start seeing others for how they are, rather than living in a fantasy based on higher ideals, because not everyone is ready to live up to those. Work on both your root and heart chakra during the Full Moon, so to feel secure and safe within your environment while also releasing any harbored resentment form your heart, so to attract better people in your life whom are already at the level you wish to see them at.
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