The Full Moon is home in sensitive Cancer at 16 degrees, and it awakens the feminine flow and creative forces within us. She exposes the wounds which keep us stagnant and helps us address the healing that must take place. Opposed by the Sun, Pluto, and Mercury; the Moon is giving the softness needed when dealing with the karmic blow of the fatherly Capricorn who urges us to be disciplined and to get to work. Now that the mother has revealed the path, the father pushes us towards it. We are gifted the conclusion and shown the final touches we must integrate before Mars, Mercury, and Uranus turn direct this month, as the inner work will be revealed within our environments shortly after. Zodiac TarotscopesARIES SUN, MOON, OR RISING
The Full Moon in Cancer speaks to your inner child and asks to mother it. This is a time of being vulnerable, sensitive, and incredibly in tune. Music hits you differently, as the lyrics speaks to your wounds and gives them the soft kiss needed to kickstart that healing path. Be gentle with yourself, Aries, and heal the wounds that become exposed. TAURUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING You know what’s going on, but it’s best you keep it to yourself and let everyone play a fool of themselves as they try to pull one over you. Listen to your gut but keep your findings to yourself. The right time will come, and in focusing on your own things than giving the reaction they tried to bring out of you, will beckon rewards of beautiful inner growth bringing forth more enriching experiences. GEMINI SUN, MOON, OR RISING It’s time to get social and allow those mental wheels to turn in conjunction with others. They might not bring about the same skills as you do, but they have a lot to offer which will make the ideas swirling about even greater than before. Join forces, Gemini, and do great things. CANCER SUN, MOON, OR RISING Something is expected of you, and while you would rather just not, it’s a good idea to follow through. Obligations are no fun, but you need to do your part, because it serves the greater good of those around you. Take one for the team and bring in the rewards for being your compassionate, best self. LEO SUN, MOON, OR RISING Let it crumble, Leo. Something is not serving you in the way that you would think. This may be old ideals, goals, or even relationships that you are finding are better left in the dust than constantly trying to hold together. It’s time to rebuild with a different design. VIRGO SUN, MOON, OR RISING Your intuition is heightened as you feel so incredibly in tune to those around you and even foreseeing events that are unfolding. You feel ahead of the game, and you are, but you need to keep that to yourself. You have the upper hand because you study the patterns and can predict accurately thanks to your observations. What you know in your gut is correct. LIBRA SUN, MOON, OR RISING It’s time to pat yourself on the back and celebrate the recent success you have gained. You’ve worked so very hard and have earned this. More is to come! So, you need to keep at it and do not move from your path. Celebrate and let loose a little, but remember you need to keep your eye on the prize because there is so much more to gain. SCORPIO SUN, MOON, OR RISING Watch your tongue, Scorpio, and don’t say something that you might later regret. You are feeling ultra-sensitive and a bit resentful because others are not rising to your aid as you have for them. The reciprocation is all off, and this makes you feel bitter. Just take note of this and do what you can on your own – there is no use in wasting the energy of calling others out, you need it for your cause. SAGITTARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING Love is in the air! This could be a romantic connection, or a newfound goal/passion that has you feeling all sorts of inspired. The vibration is high and it’s bringing about the hopeless romantic in you. Ride this wave and align with its flow. Something beautiful is bound to happen very soon. CAPRICORN SUN, MOON, OR RISING You might not be seeing something clearly, and it may be cause to your emotions getting the best of you. Vulnerability is a strength, and one that you truly appreciate, however, you might feel too exposed and vulnerable to the wrong people. Listen to your gut and let your guard down near those who you know can reciprocate your depth. AQUARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING Divine alignment takes surrendering to the flow of what makes your soul feel alive. An opportunity has arisen, and it caters to your heart and spiritual path. Take it on and marvel in the magic that is bound to happen. Something is going to inspire you and awaken your inner muse. PISCES SUN, MOON, OR RISING Things are about to pick up, and fast, so you best keep up. Many of the things you’ve been working on, and dreaming of, are going to take form, much quicker than you anticipated. However, there is still a lot of work to be done, so don’t get too comfortable enjoying your slice of the pie. Keep on this path and see it through all the way to the end.
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