The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th tips the scales of the Libra Sun, egging the collective make up its mind and to break past boundaries that were contemplated during Mercury’s retrograde. Accompanied by the Full Moon is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, who is currently stationed in Aries as well. This conjunction is going to trigger old wounds and bring them up to the surface so to be analyzed, healed, and released. Aries has a difficult time controlling emotions, and so angers may flair up. The energy of Chiron triggers the inner wounded warrior within all of us, exposing our battle scars and revealing how they’ve decreased our range of motion in terms of how we grow as individuals. It is important to be gentle with yourself during this time, as the Aries Moon can trigger our own worst critic – as the fiercest enemy of Aries, is itself. Aries energy doesn’t like stagnation, being held back, or pushed into a corner, and so whatever wounds that keep you within a stagnate state, will be illuminated by the Full Moon. The good news is the new opportunities that are going to be presented, these include new avenues, pathways, experiences, and even romantic partnerships. The energy is focused on new, so be sure to move towards it with the mindset of channeling new habits, narratives, and what you are truly trying to manifest in your life from the place of your heart. Zodiac HoroscopesScroll down to find your sign. ARIES SUN, MOON, OR RISING
Make a wish and make it count, Aries! The Full Moon is illuminated within your sign, and its revving things up to top notch speed, opening your path to possibilities you had only dreamed of. However, there is caution to throw to the wind, as many of these possibilities could lead towards new paths of healing, and not just licking your wounds, but mending pains that stem from deeper memories that you have tried to forget. Don’t prevent yourself from venturing towards this journey but do keep in mind that the triggers which arise are there for your highest good. You may receive help from an unexpected source along the way. TAURUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING The Full Moon opens the door to new connections and moving towards results to projects/goals much quicker than you had anticipated. Although your work is not yet done, there is a reason to celebrate, and you need to take a pause to enjoy what you have earned so far. You have everything you need from the right resources and support to complete the work that is still ahead, allowing everything to flow easily for you. You are aligned with a higher purpose, and so those involved in this journey with you all have a big part to play as well. Don’t take lightly to the new, and old, connections you encounter during this time. GEMINI SUN, MOON, OR RISING Try to be as mindful as possible, Gemini, as this Full Moon may trigger your anxieties and have your mind racing about things you have no control over, ultimately taking control of you. It is important to look towards the silver lining and remember that this phase in your journey is just temporary, so don’t make decisions that are out of character or on a whim because of that sense of flight or fight taking over. Find your center and be kind to yourself – hold space and hold yourself accountable for taking control of your thoughts. CANCER SUN, MOON, OR RISING Why are you clinging so tightly? The more you cling to this, the more restrictive you will feel in being able to possess it. The Full Moon may trigger old defense mechanisms and insecurities, and while you may be smacked with a hard truth of realizing you’ve been standing in your way from the growth you want, you have to remember that you are safe to release this pattern, as once you let you, you will be brought with something better to take its place. Rather than focusing on an area of where you are struggling, focus more on where you have power and room to grow. Channel this energy to a more constructive outlet. LEO SUN, MOON, OR RISING You’re attracting the right kind of attention and it’s brought by those who truly admire the work you’re doing. Leo, when you are passionate about something, others take notice because they can feel your heart and soul in it. You take great pride in what you do, and it shows. This may bring about opportunities to help expand your talents. Be sure to remain present and focused on your craft, but also open to what may arrive from the audience you bring in. VIRGO SUN, MOON, OR RISING It’s time to draw the line, Virgo, you can’t keep carrying the weight of others while trying to attract new opportunities. You must speak up and release burdens that are no longer your obligation, set those boundaries, and do not allow others to feel enabled to being overly reliant on you. You love to help others in need, but you can’t obtain what you dream for if you’re being drug down by things that do not serve you. Whatever you release will be just fine, so don’t feel like you’re throwing anyone to the wolves or letting anyone down. LIBRA SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may be presented with synchronicities that guide you down a path and it inspires you greatly. You feel drawn to the road ahead and receive signs that signal this is something significant to experience. While it’s a good idea to proceed forward, you do want to take into consideration the possible risks that are involved because you could ensue more of a successful outcome. So, watch where you step, Libra, and remember to figure you where you’re going to land before taking that leap. SCORPIO SUN, MOON, OR RISING Balance is needed, Scorpio, and the only way you’re going to obtain this is through speaking up about things you feel you put too much effort into and do not receive your fair share in return. This might not be an easy conversation to have, or truth to swallow, but in doing so, you can bring more harmony and reciprocation into your life. It’s time to find balance in the give and take ratio within your personal relationships, work and play, and your career path. SAGITTARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may have felt down and out for some time now, Sag, and now you’re finally coming back up. An opportunity is going to present itself during the time of the Full Moon, and so you need to be ready to leap towards it, because you do not want to let this pass you by. This could yield far better rewards than you’d realize. It is important to strike while the iron is hot and grasp onto what comes your way. CAPRICORN SUN, MOON, OR RISING You’re not seeing something clearly, Capricorn, and the route you’re taking is causing more stress than is needed. Take a step back give yourself time to decompress. Consider taking a break and a little time away from this situation. You will be able to come back to it with a better state of mind. You don’t want to risk a burn out or making matters worse by continuing what you are doing now – because it is simply not working. This doesn’t mean you need to throw in the towel, but rather get a refreshed perspective so to see things in a better light. You will experience the flow once you do this and can venture towards that next step after this hurdle is addressed. AQUARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING Rise up, Aquarius, and take what’s yours. You know what you want and have the right focus to execute the steps to get it. Be sure of your intentions, because whatever you focus on now, you are giving life to. It is also important that you don’t put too much on your plate right now and busy yourself up with obligations handed by others, when they are perfectly fine to take on the job themselves. Delegate those tasks and get your head in the game that you’re trying to tune into. PISCES SUN, MOON, OR RISING You’re such a beautiful dreamer, Pisces. But have you considered what could happen if you actually chased those dreams? It’s time to act upon those ideas and to be clear about what you want. Focus your energy and drive on what’s yours and take it like you own it, because you do, energetically speaking. Something good is going to arrive around the time of the Full Moon that yields long-term results or an experience that is long-lasting, but you first have to take the initiative.
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