The Full Moon in Aquarius on July 23rd is a power that is not to be taken lightly – both the Moon and Saturn are heavily opposed by the Sun and Uranus. This is a time of intense power struggles that dig deep into the subconscious and shake things up, so they rise to the conscious mind. When the Moon is in Aquarius it brings out our inner rebel and forces us to break out of old systems, ruts, thought processes, behavioral patterns, and emotional attachments that do not serve our highest good. We take a closer look at where we are stuck, what is limiting our need for freedom, and where we are limiting ourselves. This is a time of realizing the harsh truth that some aspects of our lives aren’t truly doing it for us, and these realizations often come with an urgency to act upon the solutions we may find. The Aquarius Full Moon changes the game and rewrites the script that we had grown so well to know. While the break for freedom might be appealing, it does come with the cost of release – an emotional meltdown of allowing the floodgates to open, so to pour out everything we are not, to make room for what we truly are. While we thought everything was placid, we come to find it was actually toxic or created blockages from the things we truly want, and so we act swiftly in cutting the ties with whatever it was so we can bounce forward to greater heights, involvements, and healthy experiences. However, with the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus all being in opposition of both the Moon and Saturn, it may not be as easy as we’d like to think. So, this energy is rather thick when it comes to the realizations we find and then finding the strength to actually break out of those ruts. This opposition is full of fixed energy that wants to commit and align with the flow, it is also based on higher-thinking and the Moon is illuminated in a more future-oriented lens, in wanting to see the bigger picture. So instead of breaking out of old systems with such urgency, we need to instead formulate a plan on how to do so, on where we are going to step next, and where this lightening of the load is going to take us into the future. We may find that finding that sense of individuality, the need for freedom, and making our mark on the world is heighted during the Full Moon. Whatever tries to label us, push us into a box, or hold us back, becomes our public enemy number one and we are inspired to rebel and push past those boundaries and limitations. At times, those labels or limitations may even stem from within us, as they could be preconditioned from our upbringings, childhood wounds, as well as our need to connect with others or feel some sense of belonging with the crowd. During the Full Moon we may find ourselves more detached from emotional experiences, or even overthinking what we truly feel, so to understand the complexity of our emotions. While we all crave connection, we are more driven to achieve a sense of freedom, independence, and also individuality within these connections – be it a relationship, career, project, or even diving in to discover our truth. How has this served us? How is it serving us now? And where is this leading us? These are questions we should be asking ourselves in terms of the limiting beliefs we have grown accustomed to adopt, as well as the ruts we feel so glued within – what once had worked for us is no longer doing it. RITUALBreak Out of a Rut Get full access to Rituals & Tarot Spreads for the New & Full Moons with a Work Your Alchemy Membership What intentions did you set during the New Moon in Cancer? What realizations did you make in between then and this current Full Moon? Whatever it may have been, this is a time of illuminating on that truth and taking action. The Full Moon in Aquarius empowers our cries for freedom, change, independence, and a need to break out of limitations that hold you back from aligning with your Higher Truth. This seven-page article of the Aquarius Full Moon energies includes ritual instructions and a tarot spread provided in a step-by-step guide, so to aid in performing a powerful ritual for breaking out of a rut. OTHER ITEMS TO CONSIDERZODIAC HOROSCOPEs Dedicated for your Sun and/or Moon sign ARIES
You might be looking for reassurance that you are on the right path, and the Full Moon cycle is going to grace you with just that. You are right where you need to be, and like a typical Aries, you are pushing past limiting beliefs or old cycles that had once held you back from experiencing the freedom you have been wanting for a very long time. A new project or goal, perhaps related to your career, has been on your mind recently. Consider the steps you should take to make this happen and reach for it – success is just around the corner as long as you act upon it. TAURUS You are quite satisfied with how things are starting to work out for you. Things have not been easy in your recent past, but now the energy is shifting, and you are adapting to the new changes before you. Expansion is coming into your life – so expect to grow through the new experiences that await you. A very fruitful period is ahead that is going to enable you to shift paradigms and enter a new phase of feeling satisfied, accomplished, and ready to take on the World with a healthier mindset and can-do attitude. You are supported, Taurus, do not forget that. GEMINI The clarity you seek is entering your life – where you feel more comfortable with where you currently stand because of understanding the reasoning as to why certain events had occurred as they did. You can see the method behind the madness and make sense to the lessons you had to learn, becoming wiser and also smarter with how you are about to approach your future. You are going through a shift right now, in overcoming a cycle that you have been dealing with for a very long time, and it is becoming easier in leaving it behind because of the sense you are able to make about why certain things occurred the way they did. Be ready to apply your newfound knowledge to the new lessons that await. CANCER Things are starting to look up, Cancer, and you feel satisfied with how everything is unfolding in your life. You have worked so very hard to get to where you are now, and others are taking notice, offering a hand to help you along the way. You may have purchased a new home, or perhaps expanded on your home recently, and with that, feel more at home within yourself – whatever the case, an important spotlight is placed upon your home during the moon cycle, and it is incredibly positive. Your family and close friends are going to prove to be incredibly important this Moon cycle with the assistance and support they offer you, and so do not hesitate to reach out if you need any guidance or help. You may have also done a lot of inner work in terms of overcoming ancestral cycles, and so because of that, ancestral gifts await you. LEO The World rests in your hands, Leo, and you can feel the excitement as you embark on new ventures which bring you closer to realizing some of your most treasured goals. All of your hard work is going to prove to have been worth-while as rewards start to manifest. The financial or emotional security you have been wanting for a very long time is starting to show, and you feel at ease, powerful, and ready to jump on new ventures so to take things to an entirely new level of success. What’s even better is the people in your corner – you have some very generous friends that are supportive and want to do whatever they can in their power to help lift you up and support you along the way to achieving your goals. VIRGO Take a little time to go within, Virgo, and silence the background noise of everyone who thinks they know what is best for you. You are not in the position to make any major decisions right now, as you aren’t able to see the situation clearly enough, or perhaps you feel torn between what you want, and what others want as well. You can reach out for as much guidance and advice as you want, but in the end, its only going to confuse you all the more because it will all be conflicting with one another, as well as with what you think and feel. Spend a little time to go within and you will find the answers – they will come to you, and once they do, you will know what to do with confidence. This is not the time to settle or make any long-term commitments – take your time, things will sort themselves out. LIBRA You feel inspired and spiritually connected, Libra. Your intuition is on point and your spiritual gifts are peaking during the Moon cycle. You feel more powerful, and others are taking notice as well. You may come across good friends or loved ones that need your energy – your healing touch or just to be in your presence because your aura gives them a sense of comfort. While you do enjoy to be needed, especially within the ways that make others feel more at peace within themselves, you do need to remember to take care of yourself in the process as well, so don’t feel guilty for setting some boundaries when you need to recharge – because, you can’t really help others the way you want to if you’re not feeling your best anyways. SCORPIO Big changes lie ahead, Scorpio. Are you ready to spread your wings and fly? Are you ready to follow your heart and do something so big, that it defies your own logic? This might be a bit of an intimidating situation because the changes are ultimately life-changing. However, they can be positive changes that take you to a new level of experiences which cater to the growth you have come to find. You have spent so long in the cocoon that you might have grown so accustomed to it, but now, it is time to exit that cocoon and to spread your wings. You are now the butterfly – its time to take on new experiences that radiate the same frequency of your beauty and growth. SAGITTARIUS Inspiration knocks, Sagittarius, and so you should most definitely answer. Your home life is about to drastically change, bringing about growth, inspiration, and the peace you have sought for so very long. While these changes can at first seem a bit intimidating, it is important to keep in mind that you are on the right path and also starting a new cycle that is focused on expansion in many areas of your life. Whatever new venture you are considering taking part on – do it – the time is ripe for success, and you are also divinely guided to immerse yourself in whatever you feel connected to at a heart and soul level. A very creative, enriching, fulfilling, and passionate period in your life is just around the corner. CAPRICORN You are you in the process of building something very important to you, Capricorn, and this requires a lot of dedication, hard-work, and focus. You might not be receiving all of the rewards for your efforts right away, but they are available – you just have to put in the work first. This is going to be a period of learning, expanding, and also pushing yourself to go that extra mile for something you feel strongly connected to. Do not give up, do not stray from this path, and do not allow distractions to take away from your focus. You don’t mind putting in that hard work in something that might not manifest its rewards for a long period of time, because you know in your heart that this is going to be worthwhile. AQUARIUS That wish you made on the star? Yes, Aquarius, it is coming true. Whatever intentions you have set in the past are starting to manifest, and while it may not have gone the way you had expected, you are getting exactly what you had asked for. You are entering a very fulfilling period in your life in which you feel closely connected to your heart, your spirit, and you may even be wondering if your mind is playing tricks on you because of how wonderful things are becoming for you. Believe in miracles, Aquarius, because you are going to experience one during this Moon cycle. PISCES You are overcoming issues related to the past that had kept you stuck within old cycles, making way for new cycles. Just be forewarned that this new cycle may also involve some issues you have to resolve, but on a whole new level. Also, keep in mind that you have the resources and mental capacity to overcome anything you put your mind to – with the right attitude, Pisces, you can do absolutely anything. Whatever blockages that had stood in your way are starting to clear, whatever injustices you had faced in the past are cycling back around – granting you the justice you deserve, and whatever adversity you may face, does not stand a chance against you. You are divinely protected and guided to step forward, taking doing everything others said that you couldn’t, and showing the World exactly who you are.
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