The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11 awakens our inner rebel, and being at 19 degrees, this rebellion is focused on our partnerships, perhaps even the relationship we have with ourselves. This is the perfect time to break out of a rut and move from being stagnant to focusing on how we can come closer in being aligned with our higher goals and ideals. The motivation of this Full Moon is breaking generational curses and karmic bonds that no longer serve us. This is where the inner rebel comes with a cause and brings its gift of breaking the rules towards old structures that do not benefit us. These karmic bonds and generational curses, or cycles, stem from wounds that have directed our paths because of the subconscious programming they engraved upon us. The defense mechanisms we obtained, lessons learned from our parents, and cycles of abusive behavior or victimization are illuminated by the Full Moon, and pushed out into the open so to be dissected, healed, and released. Individuality and personal freedom are also major highlights. This is where we focus on where we are not free and how we can break past those blockages and personal limitations that keep us there. The relationships we have between others, ourselves, ideals, the material and the ethereal worlds is where much of this is themed. During the course of this Full Moon’s presence, within three days before and after, would be an excellent opportunity to take the time in understanding where blockages stem from and considering the ways in which we can overcome them. Save 25% with code LEO Zodiac TarotscopesARIES SUN, MOON, OR RISING
The Full Moon comes in at 19 degrees which heavily opposes you, and so it works its magick upon you, more so than you would think. The Full Moon is focused your partnerships, but in a way that causes you to set firmer boundaries and perhaps even releasing friendships that no longer serve you. This is a time of pulling back on the obligations others had held upon you, as they are outdated to where you are being taken advantage of. It’s time to draw the line and say no – you cannot bear the weight of the world on your shoulders and ask for more freedom at the same time. TAURUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may have recently released yourself from an old lifestyle that had kept you stagnant, or you are releasing from that place now. You’re making a massive shift in which your life will forever change and this stems from your daily habits and the thoughts you allow to take up space in your mind. You may even be changing your goals and focusing on a new venture or life path that brings about more purpose and alignment towards your higher ideals. GEMINI SUN, MOON, OR RISING Slow and steady win the race, Gemini. This is a hard notion for you, because you prefer to speed through life, getting from point A to point B, quickly. However, sometimes you tend to take a detour and get sidetracked which forces your plans to get towards point B to go up in smoke. This time around, however, you need to remain committed and discipline yourself into staying on path and not allowing yourself to get distracted. A beautiful journey awaits, but it requires your dedication, commitment, and undivided attention. CANCER SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may want to consider taking an exit strategy during the Full Moon and focus on finding better clarity behind a situation that has been troubling you. It wouldn’t be wise to remain where you are, trying to push against a struggle that only brings about more restriction with the more force trying to find a resolution. Do something that allows your mind to rest so to refocus your eyes on better opportunities to help you. LEO SUN, MOON, OR RISING In the recent months you may have felt stuck in a rut or forced into a stagnant period in which you could not reach the momentum needed to get unstuck. That is all about to change, or has already begun changing for you, and you are realizing you were not necessarily stuck, but rather in transition towards the metamorphosis period in which you grew your wings and are now ready to fly. You may even notice that you are now a source of inspiration towards others, as they witness the beauty of you spreading your wings. VIRGO SUN, MOON, OR RISING You’re always going above and beyond in supporting others to be the best versions of themselves. However, there have been times in which you didn’t feel the energy you gave was reciprocated While you don’t mind helping others and do so compassionately, you still felt unsupported in return. You may need to voice your needs, rather than expecting others to just know what your needs are, as they do not possess the same gift as you in having that natural knowing. This will help them understand how they can reciprocate better so to bring balance to these relationships. LIBRA SUN, MOON, OR RISING Ask and you shall receive, Libra. While it’s easier to leave little hints and act nonchalant about what your needs are, you have to remember that not everyone can pick up the subtleness you put down. During the Full Moon, you may feel more expressive and reaching outside your comfort zone when it comes to stating your needs and how others need to fulfill them. You crave more balance in your partnerships, but it first starts with you speaking on what you need. SCORPIO SUN, MOON, OR RISING Stop playing small, Scorpio. You are far more powerful than give yourself credit, and all the limitations you have been facing is a manifestation of the limiting beliefs you have about yourself. It’s time to rise up and remember that you are the sign of rebirth, alchemy, and raw power. There is a situation you’ve been dealing with that requires you to manipulate the forces around you into a flow that you can align with. This is only done through confidence in yourself, and the knowing that you possess all the tools and resources needed. SAGITTARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING Being one of the luckiest signs of the zodiac, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be getting exactly what you had asked for. Your powers of manifestation are on point, and during this Full Moon, you are going to experience something you’ve wished for to take form right before your eyes. It may not happen exactly how you had wanted, and so it’s important to let go of expectation and to flow with the energies that find you. CAPRCIRON SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may get a blast from the past as an old flame, friend, or foe, makes an appearance but not in the best of ways. This may first come as a surprise, while expected, still out of the blue and so you may first feel threatened or defensive. This person comes bearing a message though, and so it would be wise to listen to what that is, as you set firm boundaries and stand your ground. AQUARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING While you’re in the spotlight as the Full Moon shines its light upon you, it doesn’t necessarily feel like a place you want to be, because of the issues that are stirred up. Much that has been hidden is going to come to light but not in a subtle way. Listen to those triggers as they are messengers leading you to where you are not free. It’s time to face some fears, Aquarius, you will thank yourself in the long run. PISCES SUN, MOON, OR RISING The Full Moon brings you back something which you had been missing, and it brings you a sense of longing, but also fulfillment in knowing how far you have come since first losing or forgetting it. This may be a memory that takes you back to your adolescence, or when things were much lighter and simpler, or it may be an old friend or flame. It is important to not live in the past, and keep in mind that while you can’t go back to that wonderful place or experience, you can take what you’ve learned and gained, and then apply it towards a better future that invites the same energy you long for.
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