We end the eclipse season of the year with a Gemini full moon and lunar eclipse on November 30th. Lunar eclipses always occur during a full moon, when the earth is in perfect alignment with the sun and the moon. With the moon in Gemini and the sun in Sagittarius this eclipse can have us feeling rather restless and eager for movement. However, during this time it is not advised to make any drastic changes, not until Mercury shifts into Sagittarius next week, which would be the best time to start shooting for the stars in terms of making some positive impacts in our lives. The Gemini moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius sun making this ending of the eclipse season exit with a bang. This is the best time of the year to resolve any issues we may have had in terms of communication, primarily with our closest of friends, coworkers, and family members. When the moon is in Gemini, we are more prone to be in touch with our communication style and are drawn to problem solving. This full moon is all about duality and the sense of bringing our right and left sides of the brain together in perfect union so to focus on creative projects, puzzling issues which have left us stumped, and considering the best plan of action in resolving conflicts which revolve around what Gemini governs best, communication. We may feel a bit scattered during this full moon, especially with the sun being in Sagittarius, it may be difficult to focus. This is also why it's not the best time to make any sudden changes in our lives. Not to mention, this combination of Gemini and Sagittarius isn’t the best energy to work with in terms of making commitments and remaining on course for long-term goals or changes. This is a time of exploring old issues, habit or behavioral patterns, and problems within our communication styles that may be contributing to some of the blockages that we are currently facing. The ending of this eclipse season is all focused on understanding the lessons, changes, and the new avenues in which we had taken part on within the last six months. This is where we bring together everything from the past six months into higher understanding so to enter the new year with new goals, a renewed sense of purpose, and an open heart and mind to venture towards new experiences. Not Valid on Memberships. Ends December 1, 2020 Zodiac readings for the full moon in GeminiARIES
The full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini brings about resolutions to old conflicts in which you had faced within the past six months. This is a time to restore balance in your life. If you have been troubled or lonely, you will find joy. If you have been exhausted or depleted of energy, your vitality will be restored. This full moon and lunar eclipse brings you the gift of rejuvenation. TAURUS The full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini offers you open doors and the clearing of old blockages. This is a time of setting a major milestone in your life; the accumulation of your past efforts and lessons learned into the finalization of an old cycle. This is a time of looking back at how far you have come and patting yourself on the back in knowing that you have Achieved far more then you have realized. GEMINI You are in the spotlight during this full moon, Gemini, as it resides within your sign. The full moon and lunar eclipse offers you a tremendous burst of healing energy, mending old wounds, healing old conflicts, and revitalizing the way you express yourself. You may feel more in touch with your emotions, and you may feel reconnected with your loved ones. This is a wonderful time for you to reach out to someone that you may have had a falling out with and to mend broken relationships. CANCER You may feel an itch to get out there and to start something new, Cancer. However, it is not advised to make any changes right now. While you might feel inspired or even curious about what lies on the other side, it is best that you hold off on any sudden moves. While your appetite for change and your curiosity maybe parched right now, your willingness to commit to anything long term may be difficult to implement. The opportunity will still be available in the coming weeks, and so while change is afoot, it is best to consider the different avenues in which you can approach this before taking any steps. LEO You may want to be very careful during the full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini, as it seems trouble is a foot. Be careful of those you trust, be careful of any binding contracts or any sort of investments that you are being invited to take part in during this time. You need to read that fine print, and you must read into the intentions or hidden motives of others. There is also a tendency for lost items or even misplacing something important. You may end up taking a loss during this time and it could affect you financially or it could be something that had sentimental value to you. Either way, it does seem that there may be a thief in your presence or somebody manipulative who wants to talk you into something which only benefits them. Proceed with caution during this time and don't go against your gut instincts. If you do take any losses, you will not be able to rectify those, and so it is best to stay in your lane and not take part in any deal making or negotiations until a later date. VIRGO You may feel stuck, you may feel you have no options, and you may feel as if you need to make some sort of big sacrifice in order to get the movement that you need during the full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini, Virgo. However, not everything is as it seems, and so it is best to go within during this time and to consider what other options are available which are not in plain sight. You may also feel more in touch with your spiritual side, and so meditation or some form of spiritual practice which brings you closer to your higher self is favored. This will allow you to receive the guidance needed from the divine to bring about the movement that you need. LIBRA Boundaries are important during this time, Libra, as it seems that others are overstepping them. However, you might be clinging too tightly to something as well, whereas the boundaries that you have drew could be linked to some sort of insecurity that you have been dealing with, primarily within your personal relationships or financial matters. Whatever the case, you fear not having enough of something and so you are clinging tightly to whatever you have of it right now. When you draw these types of restrictions, you create the restriction of abundance. While it is good to draw boundaries with those who overstep them, you do have to understand that too much could be working against you rather than for you. SCORPIO Something from the past comes back through, Scorpio, and this places a blockage on your current path. This may be something that you have avoided, or something that you have overlooked, but whatever the case, this is something that you need to resolve once and for all. The full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini has you feeling a bit restless and scattered, and so it may be hard to focus or to even bring about a sense of determination needed for ending this cycle. You may also feel reluctant to put in the work that needs to be done. Try your best to focus your energy on to the task at hand and when it is resolved you will be more than happy that you did what you needed to do. SAGITTARIUS While the full moon is in Gemini, the sun is in Sagittarius, and with it being a lunar eclipse, you are just as illuminated as Gemini is during this time. The ending of this eclipse season brings about healing energy and restores broken relationships, mends old wounds, and rejuvenates your sense of purpose. the full moon and lunar eclipse is here too bring about a sense of optimism, joy, and above all, love. Your frequency maybe emitting a higher vibration, which allows you to attract opportunities to create fond memories in which you will look back upon years from now and still feel the warmth and joy that you did when you experienced them first hand. CAPRICORN Your intuition may be heightened during this time, Capricorn. The full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini is working hard at inspiring you and aligning you with your higher self. Your dreams may also be intense, full of prophetic symbolism, and so it is a good idea to keep a dream Journal next to your bedside. You may also feel more connected to those around you, as your sense of empathy is heightened as well, allowing for you to feel their emotions and even pick up on their innermost thoughts. This is a good time to focus on nurturing those around you, to take care of the ones that you love, and to bring comfort and a sense of security to those around you. AQUARIUS The full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini brings about a sense of divine inspiration that makes you feel one within yourself. Aquarius, you are a forward-thinking sign and your intuition is quite powerful, but during the full moon and lunar eclipse you may feel as if this gift is put into over drive. This is a time of inner growth, and so it is a good idea to focus on developing your psychic abilities and/or to find new outlets for your imagination. PISCES The full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini opposes you, Pisces, and so you may not be feeling the best right now. You may feel frustrated, restrictive, and as if you have no control of your life. You may also be looking too far into things, to the point to where you're not able to grasp onto the opportunities around you in order to bring about the resolutions that you need because of this sense of tunnel vision that is focused on the negatives and downsides. Typically, you're not a very pessimistic sign, however, you feel stuck within a certain mindset that has your emotional sensitivity running in over drive. You may want to consider reaching out to a good friend or somebody who can offer you a more objective analysis on how to bring about a more logical solution to this issue.
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