3/25/2023 0 Comments April 2023 - Zodiac TarotscopesZodiac TarotscopesScroll to read for your Sun, Rising, or Moon sign ARIES SUN, MOON, OR RISING
Your whole direction may change when you refocus your energy towards greater horizons. This shift may not have been voluntary, either, as it seems something is going to pivot you onto a different path at no choice of your own. While this may come as a shock at first, it will ultimately serve your highest good, so long as you look to the good in this situation. The path you were one that you thought was where you needed to be, may not have been serving you, but you wouldn’t have walked away from it unless outside forces pushed you to. This month, count on a divine intervention to push to you a better path. This may be affecting your finances or career goals – as these will be major themes for you this month. TAURUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING As soon as you act upon making those changes, everything will begin to flow in your favor. This month you are going to experience the magic that comes with following your heart and aligning with something much bigger than yourself. You may even feel that some events which occur, or the choices you make, are a part of your destiny or higher path. The ideas you have swirling around in your mind about starting new foundations or building something meaningful, are there for a reason. Act upon them. Other parts of your life may also feel less restrictive as you no longer deny this new path and bravely step towards it. You will also receive reassurance along the way, letting you know that you are supported. Make those bold moves Taurus, and watch as what you had been seeking, was also seeking you. This is a month of making lasting commitments within areas of your life that you have been wanting for a very long time. GEMINI SUN, MOON, OR RISING Even if it seems that nothing had moved in your favor, trust that is has been. A lot is going to take place this month that you had been wanting to manifest for some time now, and when it does, it may all hit you at once. This month you are going to be in for a great surprise as the growth from the lessons, cycles, and stagnation you had experienced in the past, is going to take form. You’ve learned the lessons, done the work, and cleared the path. Everything may begin to make sense as you see it all unfold – you might even feel that the Universe is rewarding you, which it is, but it is not going to be subtly and so it could even feel magical. It is important to focus your attention in areas of your life that you want growth and to consider any further lifestyle habits you should make to ensure the longevity of rewards from these realized goals. CANCER SUN, MOON, OR RISING You’ve got a lot of options available in the month of April and your biggest obstacle is within yourself. The right opportunities are going to force you out of your comfort zone and to release some of the strict boundaries you have put into place. These boundaries may have been instilled from heartbreak and disappointment in the past, and so they were put into place so to protect yourself. However, now they are holding you back because you have released those old cycles that kept you in the pattern of connections that took advantage of your kindness. Take your time when considering what direction to take, but don’t hold yourself back from the things you truly want out of fear. This is a month of investing yourself into something new, that may scare you, but will ultimately bring about the best rewards for doing so. LEO SUN, MOON, OR RISING Good things are coming your way, Leo. You are going to receive an end result to an old contract, legal battle, or something that had kept you within an experience, and the results are going to be ruled in your favor. You walked that higher path and did the inner work, and so the Universe is going to reward you for doing so. These rewards may come in quickly as well – much quicker than anticipated. You may actually be surprised how things suddenly shift in your favor and it could shock you with how things just magically fall into place for you. It also important to put in the work when it comes to realizing certain dreams and goals – you cannot just sit there and dream them into reality, you must also do the required steps to ensure they do. So don’t get lost in your head and be sure to act when the time comes. You may have to make some quick decisions or big moves regarding something potentially life changing. A balanced approach between the head and the heart should be taken in that case. VIRGO SUN, MOON, OR RISING You want so badly to expand past your current circumstances, but it seems there are attachments put into place which are holding up the energy, not allowing you to move beyond it. You need to dig deep to address these issues. They could pertain to your own issues or that of others which are within your close circle and affect you directly. These could be issues of codependency, addiction, obsession, or remaining within energies that you know aren’t good for you but refuse to close the cycle because it is familiar and easier to deal with than setting the appropriate boundaries. April is a month of doing what needs to be done in order to gain the opportunities and expansion you desire. Do those big things and watch how things start to flow much easier for you. LIBRA SUN, MOON, OR RISING There is a powerful connection coming into your life in the month of April – this could be an already established connection as well but hasn’t really taken flight. This month the commitment will be sealed, or you will have a better idea of where things are headed. Be mindful of setting boundaries and speaking up about what you want as well, because this union is bound to be long-term and could very well be something beyond what you had experienced before – such as a soul mate connection. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a romantic connection either, but rather something that is significant and perhaps even life-altering. The key is the stand in your power and align with the flow of this connection, for it has great potential to empower you even more than you could on your own. SCORPIO SUN, MOON, OR RISING You may have felt left out in the cold in a social circle or a romantic connection. There is a strong feeling of lack or perhaps not feeling good enough. Your self-esteem isn’t dialed into your worth that you have instilled within yourself, but rather the blindness to it and the value others have placed upon you. This month you will have to really dig deep in order to start showing up for yourself and attracting the connections that want to collaborate and build with you, because they recognize your talents and strengths. You may also need to connect with others who are more of your opposite, so to exchange ideas and ideals – to blend together opposing forces so to exchange a higher understanding of who you are, what you have to offer, and what you truly deserve from those around you. Take some time for yourself and collect your thoughts. Call back your energy and nourish yourself. The right people will start to show up once you start showing up for yourself. SAGITTARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING New cycles are coming through, but first, you need to close the doors to the old ones. You are in the midst of doing so or have already gone through those trials and tribulations. Whatever the case, this past cycle has not been easy for you and you might have dealt with some very harsh circumstances that pushed you to finally release this experience. While you don’t see any gains from the pain you endured, you need to know that a lot happened from within and behind the scenes. This month you will find the hope needed to envision a new path, and the more faith you give it, the more support, resources, and synchronicities you will receive which reveal this is the right path to take. You will also find these new experiences correlate with the newfound knowledge you’ve obtained from those past cycles, showing that you have gained tremendous growth from where you are coming from. CAPRICORN SUN, MOON, OR RISING When something good comes into your life, its easy to question it, especially if you have been dealing with disappointment after disappointment in the past. Energy is finally starting to move, pushing you past previous border and boundaries you could not get through no matter how hard you tried. While these new opportunities are worthy of your investment, it is still a good idea to move through them with a level headed – approach this with a balanced head and heart. New cycles are about to begin for you, so be direct about what you want and handle any underlying issues that have may arise because this could be coming to you from out of nowhere, and so it could trigger old feelings, primarily ones of not trusting in a good thing and trying to pick apart something for the sake of finding flaws in order to protect yourself. AQUARIUS SUN, MOON, OR RISING The time of stagnation is finally over, Aquarius. You are in the spotlight, still, but in a way that is more empowering than restricting. Saturn really pushed you deep into yourself and forced you to clean up areas in your life that kept you from striving to your highest potential. A lot of this may have resulted in family and social experiences where you had to learn who brings value, who drains you, and what connections keep you in old cycles that no longer serve you. This month you may find that deeper connections are made, memories are created, and family dynamics receive the healing and sense of approval or acceptance needed to feel more stabilized and allow for more emotional healing and validation. April is going to be an exciting month for you in terms of raking in the rewards from old lessons learned. PISCES SUN, MOON, OR RISING You will really need to use your discernment this month, Pisces, as someone could be trying to manipulate or take from you. You have someone in your life that does not have your best intentions at heart and are only trying to get whatever they can take from you. You will need to stand your ground and refocus your investments – invest into areas that bring fulfillment, not areas that force you to prove your worth. Don’t allow others to make you feel watered down, or that you need to deny aspects of yourself for their approval. If something feels off – listen to that gut feeling and do not bend or compromise for fear of losing a connection that truly just doesn’t serve you. Saturn is bringing in the energies of discernment and showing up for yourself, so be sure you ace this test by realizing your worth and advocating for yourself.
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