On February 19th we are inspired to get our spiritual and emotional health in check with a healing but also informative on what ills us, Super Full Moon in Virgo. This moon is going to rock our worlds as we are triggered by environmental events which make us take a deeper look within. While Virgo is an Earth sign and governs routine, health, practicality and logic, with the Sun being in Pisces, it directs these qualities towards our Higher Selves, or our spirituality. This moon is incredibly intuitive, creative, and is all about the minor details which are typically missed. The Sun in Pisces compliments our need for soul-searching and so paired with a Virgo Moon, it allows for us to get down to the nitty gritty when it comes to how well we take care of our spirit and honor our emotions. A super moon is when the moon comes closer to the Earth within its elliptic orbit, resulting in it appearing larger in the sky. This is the second Super Full Moon of the three back-to-back that are taking place within the first few months of 2019 which are within their respective signs. The Full Moon is going to illuminate on our daily routine, and if it caters to our spiritual and imaginative side. The Virgo Full Moon wants us to know that we are more than just a body – we are a vessel which is filled with divine light – we are a soul within a body and there must be a proper balance between the two that we encompass into our daily lives. It’s time to come to terms on how we feel, and why. Those things which trigger a negative response are so to help us find a release which many allow for a sort of spiritual cleansing that caters to our emotional and spiritual health. We can hold onto these things any longer. Those pent-up emotions we have been storing away for the sake of avoiding conflict or the stress and resentment we harbor may come to the boiling point, and if we don’t take gentle care of ourselves, and our hearts, then it can boil over the pot and cause quite a mess. The Full Moon in Virgo says its time to start forgiving those who have hurt us in the past which caused shielding our vulnerabilities which caused us to detach from our divine connection to Source. We cannot project our beautiful light if we are clogged up with darkness that was spewed onto us by others, and then empowered with our own resentment and an inability to forgive. Of course, this is all easier said than done, but this may be the starting point for many to walk down that path of some much-needed shadow work and inner realization of how those defense mechanisms which once worked in the past, are now serving as blockages from the wonderful abundance of love, friendship, and divine connection that we crave. Card Pull for the Super Full Moon in Virgo XIX the Sun | Divinity Cards are from the Starchild Tarot and the Gospel of Aradia Oracle Typically, the Sun card is one of finding that inner child and allowing it to come out to play, however, it may also mean its time to work those brain muscles and to learn something new, primarily of a spiritual nature. This Full Moon brings about a massive boost of divine energy, transmitting divine connection and a need to get back in touch with spirit and source energy. Meditation, discovering astrology in how it makes up your personality, and even deeper, your past life karma and trauma as well as understanding the blueprint of your own soul is what is called for during this time. It’s time to dust off those self-care and discovery books! Look deeper into yourself and restructure your daily routine with adding some much-needed spiritual self-care into the mix. This goes beyond salt baths or meditating before bed each night – this is calling forth your Higher Self and contemplating on whether or not you are honoring it day-to-day. What does the Super Full Moon in Virgo have in store for your Zodiac Sun Sign? Zodiac Rune ReadingsAries
ᛉ Algiz Protection When you align to your Higher Self and path, is when things flow as you are in alliance with the Universe’s natural course. As long as you chuck your ego at the door and fall in accordance with Divine law then you will have passed the test and proven your strength, and so the Full Moon luminates good fortune and proof that you are under divine protection. Taurus ᚹ Thurisaz Thor It seems the Full Moon is going to give you a major wake-up call by bringing something destructive or high-energy into your life. This may come without warning and you may feel that the situation is too massive for you to handle. Don’t allow the storm to over power or derail you and push back twice as hard. Gemini ᛝ Inguz Seed The Full Moon illuminates your good fortune. You have planted your seeds and nourished them well, and now it is time to rake in your benefits and to reap what you have sown. This Full Moon brings confirmation that you are on the right path as it gives a powerful boost of energy to your positive intentions. Focus on your joy, and you will receive an abundance of happiness. Cancer ᚺ Halgaz Radical Change The Full Moon may bring some difficulty as it illuminates areas where you are having trouble. This may be events you cannot control, and it is frustrating. Rather than dwelling about the odds that seem to be stacked against you, consider on how you can make positive changes, which may be best done when you submit to the flow and change your perspective about your situation. Leo ᛟ Othila Ancestral This Full Moon illuminates ancestral patterns that have been blocking the abundance you deserve and desire. The burdens you released during the New Moon may have been what has been blocking inherited gifts as well as new energy to flow through an experience that has been repeated by you, and those before you, its time to set things right and to break a negative cycle. You will be greatly awarded once you do. Virgo ᛖ Ehwaz Trust Trust in yourself and your intuition. You detect deceit and you feel a miracle is about to happen – these conflicting energies might be confusing when you analyze them too deeply – which is what a Virgo is famous for, and so the Full Moon beckons you to listen to your soul and allow your hunches to guide you. Libra ᚢ Uruz Endurance The Full Moon blesses you with the manifestation of a treasured goal you have been aiming to reach. The Full Moon illuminates and empowers your intentions. Guide your energy wisely, as each step you take is a ripple of what is to come there forth. Scorpio ᛉ Algiz Protection When you align yourself to a higher path and follow your heart, you feel protected and whiteness the magic of the Universe as it shifts your environment to match your intention. The Full Moon is going to prove to you that you are on the right path. You will receive confirmation and reassurance, which will propel you even further forward because you are backed with confidence. Sagittarius ᛚ Laguz Dreams The Full Moon may bring the unconscious, conscious. You will experience the power of your thoughts as they manifest into your environment. Be careful what you think about, when backed with powerful emotion, as you are giving those thoughts energy. This could be your fears, which are limiting you in finding effective solutions – give hope a chance or look on the brighter side of a situation and you may conjure up the strength to see a troubling situation through. Capricorn ᛇ Eihwaz Kundalini You are strongest when you vibrate at your highest frequency. This Full Moon is the perfect time to exert your passionate energy in allowing your inner-child, your true self, to come out and play. Creativity, enjoyment, pleasure, and feeling free in your expression are your gifts that this Full Moon bestows onto you for nourishing your soul. Aquarius ᚠ Fehu Abundance The Full Moon brings gifts into your financial realm and aligns your focus on movement. You may be inspired to reach a treasured goal that will not only bring forth more financial freedom, but also stability in the future. As your gifts and talents shine, you are rewarded with more opportunities to better yourself. Pisces ᛖ Ehwaz Trust Trust in your own intuition, Pisces. When you are given information on something which seems too good to be true, take your time to consider what you truly feel about the situation instead of following blindly. The Full Moon empowers your internal guidance system and aligns your will to act in ways that are catered to taking responsibility for your own sense of happiness.
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